Black patterns by Tiemnokryskin on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

"Там, далеко, снёс кумир Башни Гнева.
Там нелегко нёс кумир Цепи Девы.

Слёзы лил на дне, колесил ступени.
Замерзал во сне - не сгибал колени.

Повидал лунный бал, чёрные берёзы,
В роднике омывал каменные розы

Различал во тьме чёрные узоры,
Собирал в огне девичьи уборы..."

Н. Полева, "Кумир и дети"

"There, far away, the hero tore up Towers of Rage,
There - it was not easily, - the hero beared Chains of Virgo.
He shed tears at the bottom, he wheeled the stairs.
He froze in his sleep - but did not bend his knees.
He saw a moon dancing party, and black birches.
He washed stone roses in a spring.
He distinguished black patterns among the darkness,
He collected maiden attire in the fire..."

N, Polieva, "Hero and children"