Untitled by TILIBRUGRAMAS on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

TILIBRUGRAMAS on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tilibrugramas/art/Untitled-1049638272TILIBRUGRAMAS

Deviation Actions


Published: May 7, 2024

Image size

640x640px 44.31 KB

Don’t do that son unless you have the balls to go through with what you are asking for!? I can give it out - but can you take it? I know you can’t wait to grow up and become a man - all been there - done that! Too many folk out there who wouldn’t stop at damaging your lovely little body - don’t let them get near you! On the other hand if you’re really up for it then let me gently explain the difference between love and lust and we can slowly explore and see where it takes us. Just remember it’s your body and no one else is allowed to touch it without your permission! Actually I’ve a better idea - let’s go kick a football about son! 😃👍

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