Draizek by TinaLeRawr on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Welllll, I thought it was about time I uploaded something, and uploaded something Achidar-related :)

Sooooo, here we have one of my favourite Achidars, Draizek. He belongs to FluffyK [link]

This picture almost didn't see the light of day because after three hours of work some noob in Sketcher decided to suddenly ERASE THE WHOLE GODAMMN THING LAYER BY LAYER despite me yelling and screaming (as best as anyone can yell and scream in Sketcher).


Luckily my Tina-sense told me something was amiss and on a whim I saved the almost-finished picture about 5 minutes before total destruction insued. *self-congratulatory banana*

I know one of his legs is supposed to be electric BUTBUT i couldn't figure out which one it was, and then I thought, hell I'll just draw all four considering this is probably his natural form anyhoo and maybe he hasn't lost that back leg yet ha.