Lincoln Loud (a crossover story) chapter 11 by TMDTheMaskedDirector on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Location: The garbage bay, The A.R.K. The Kuiper belt, Outer space

Local time: Unknown/Nonexistent

Imagine yourself in a world, in a reality. It's a world that you are use to being in but you have never been here before. A world where there are doors in houses that lead to nowhere, school buses that are red or sometimes blue but never yellow. The sky is the right color but the clouds are a sort of greenish-teal. No, you are not in The twilight zone nor have you found The scary door, instead you have made it into Lori Loud's dream. This dream will end in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.

Lori Loud: (groans) What happened last night? Was it a dream?

Lori could hear strange cracking and crashing noises all around her. She still hadn't opened her eyes yet but she was definitely awake. The last thing she remembered was Auto electrocuting Lincoln Loud (which she found out that same night was her longlost, thought to be dead younger brother), Lincoln falling down the trash chute and Auto literally putting her and her sisters to sleep. Lori slowly opened one I and got a glimpse of where the noise was coming from and what she saw she did not like. Everywhere was mountains of the A.R.K.'s trash. It was dark and smelly. The only light that was being cast was some narrow lights that were the bottom of some chutes. These chutes were also adding to the garbage mountains that went as far as the eye could see. Lori was still trying to understand what was going on when she noticed tha she was mostly burried under garbage. There also some sentient computer mice crawling on her. This freaked her out as she feebly but successfully shook them off, scaring them away. Lori knew that she was in the garbage bay.

Lori: (panics) Oh no, it wasn't a dream! Everyone wake up now!

As she called, her sisters who were surrounding her woke up. Just like her they were all wearing spacesuits the same spacesuits that Auto used to put them to sleep. Except for Lana they were not too happy to be in the garbage bay either.

Lana: There is so much garbage here! I must be in heaven!

Lola: For me this is Hell.

Luan: Yeah it's rubbish! (chuckles) Get it?

Lori: Everyone, focus! This much we know, Lincoln has been wounded by Auto... that reminds me. If I call your name then you must say here. Leni?

Leni: Here!

Lori: Luna?

Luna: Here!

Lori: Luan?

Luan: Here!

Lori: Lynn?

Lynn: Here!

Lori: Lucy?

Lucy: Here!

Lori: Lana?

Lana: Hey!

Lori: Lola?

Lola: Hey!

Lori: Lisa?

Lisa: Here!

Lori: Lily?

Lily: Gah! (Translation: Here!)

Lori: Lincoln? (hears silence) Lincoln? (hears more silence) Oh no, where's Lincoln!?

The Louds got scared since Lincoln couldn't be heard or seen anywhere.

Lucy: (yelling) Lincoln!?

Suddenly the A.R.K's computer voice could be heard. It spoke as a giant platform of giant cubes of compacted garbage was being pulled into a bright chamber.

Computer: Caution, activating Airlock disposal.

Lynn: (yelling) Lincoln, can you hear us?

Computer: Activating Airlock disposal.

As soon as platform had stopped moving a pair of sliding doors slowly but securely closed. These doors read "!!WARNING!! AIRLOCK DISPOSAL ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK" in giant black letters that were almost completely camouflaged by the shade from the lights. Just then another pair of sliding doors at the back chamber opened extremely quickly causing the air in the chamber and outer space to mix which in turn caused the cubes to be shot out of the garbage bay and into space.

Lisa: (yelling) Lincoln, where are you?

As Lisa asked that question two giant robots appeared behind them. The robots had names scribbled onto them. The following names were Tarla, Conner, Grant, Beth and Daphe. They were all covering what looked to be another name, that being "WALL A" (Waste Allocation Load Lifter A.R.K.Class). I believe you know what happens next, reader (but it would be mean to just stop here so let's get on with it shall we?) The Louds looked behind themselves and gasped in horror at the WALL As. It was in that moment that they reached to collect garbage. Once they did one of them accidentally collected the Louds aswell. The garbage collected then got compacted into more cubes. The Louds survived completely unharmed but they couldn't move thier bodies. The WALL As then picked up there cubes and moved them to the platform. They were place together closely together, so close in fact that they could hear a boy call out to them.

Boy: (to the Louds, weakly) Guys...

The Louds: (looks at boy) Lincoln!

The platform began to move backwards into the Airlock disposal.

Computer: Caution, activating Airlock disposal... Activating Airlock disposal.

The Louds all knew that there would be a slow, cold and painful death in store for them if they did nothing. All they could do was panic. Lincoln was too weak to try and free himself or even panic.

Leni: (panicking) Lori, like, what are we going to do!?

Lori: (panicking) I literally don't know!

Lisa: (gets an idea) Elder shibling, can you reach your blashter!?

Lori: (manages to grab blaster) Yeah, I've got it!

Lori fired her blaster, freeing her and the other Louds. Using thier suit's jet packs, the Louds flew over to the cube that Lincoln was trapped in.

Louds: Lincoln!

Lincoln: (weakly) Guys, there's not enough time. Take the sample, it's my shirt pocket.

Lucy: Not without you!

Lana: If you're not leaving that cube then we're not going to forgive ourselves... ever!

Meanwhile back outside of the airlock a chute opened up and six children (four boys and two girls) fell through and down onto some trash. They all screamed as they were falling but stopped as soon as they landed... with a great big thump! Everyone got up and soon enough started talking.

Rusty: I really don't think Lincoln is down here, Clyde.

Clyde: Ronnie-Ann and Stella said that he went through the garbage chute.

Ronnie-Ann and Stella knew they didn't say it exactly like that however it was pointless to argue with Clyde at this point and a lot better to just help him.

Zach: Rusty...

Rusty: (angry, rudely interrupts Zach) Clam it, Zach! Lincoln is not here and it's not like we're going to find Lincoln and say "there's Lincoln"!

Liam: Look, (points to Airlock disposal) there's Lincoln!

They all looked at the Airlock disposal and saw Lincoln trapped in a giant trash cube with the Louds trying to free him. Because it was so dark and the warning was in black, they failed to notice it.

Clyde: (chuckles) I've got you now, Lincoln! (runs to the airlock)

The others followed him and (most of them) got their cleaning items ready. At this point the platform has completely entered the Airlock disposal and the doors started to close, this didn't mean that the Louds were giving their brother however.

Lincoln: (weakly) Guys, there's no time!

Lori: (still trying to free Lincoln with the others) I am literally not... leaving... you... behind... (looks at closing doors) again!

Clide and his friends ignored the closing doors.

Clyde: Maybe they're trying to seal themselves in this safe room?

Rusty: Clyde, you're obsessed!

Clyde: We're too close now, we're past the point of no return!

Lana: (strained) Al... most... free... now!

Finally Lincoln was free but the door was wedged open by Clyde's head. Cut to outside and Chandler McCann (still stuck outside) who was banging his helmet suit on the door he wanted to go through.

Chandler: I'm cold, (bangs helmet on door) I'm tired, (bangs helmet on door) I'm hungry, (bangs helmet on door) I wanna just...

Suddenly the airlock released more garbage outside and normally it would've not been of any significance for Chandler but this time it was taking a really long time to close. Chandler decided to go over and investigate. Meanwhile the the Louds we're using all their strength to fight against the mixing air and get Lincoln to safety. They grabbed onto Clyde's friends who were hanging on for dear life to Clyde while he was screaming for his life. Somehow through all off this his head was still secured firmly in place. Chandler went around the corner revealing the airlock and saw that it was still open, he had a chance to get back inside the A.R.K.

Chandler: (gasps, runs to airlock) Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes...

Each yes was more excited the the last. Unfortunately Chandler's opportunity and excitement was cut short as the WALL As noticed that something was wrong with the Airlock disposal. It wasn't meant to be sucking away garbage that wasn't compacted yet so one of them went straight to a big, red button. It slammed the button and the doors leading to space slammed shut. Everyone fell on the floor with a much smaller thump then the one from earlier.

Stella: Clyde, are you okay?

Clyde: (pants in fear) Whoa (pauses for ten seconds) It... it wasn't a safe room.

Ronnie-Ann: He's okay.

Meanwhile outside Chandler looked up at the closed airlock doors. Sadness and despair filled his entire body.

Chandler: Why? (Looks down and returns to the other door)

Later back in the garbage bay the WALL As cleared a space that they then illuminated using thier headlights. In this space everyone surrounded Lincoln.

Lincoln: (weakly) Guys, thanks for saving me.

Luna: No problem, Dude. It's the least we can do.

Just then Lincoln placed his fist on his chest and groaned in pain. Everyone got really scared, even the WALL As looked concerned.

Lincoln: No, no. Don't worry (chuckles) shouldn't have eaten that surprise breakfast.

Lincoln was trying to assure everyone that he was okay to no avail. Lisa had a look at Lincoln's left arm. His ID chip was completely blackened out and fried.

Lisa: Auto musht've wanted to deshtroy Lincoln'sh ID chip. That'sh why he tashered him for so long.

Leni: Why did he want to do that?

Lisa: Becaushe no working ID chip means Lincoln can't be found if he'sh losht. Can I have shome shpace pleashe? I need to shee if I can fixsh it.

The Louds decided to take a stroll while Clyde and his friends stayed to clean Lincoln. The Louds saw some strange paintings on the walls. They dippicted some children who fell into the garbage bay and waited for their parents but some cop bots came instead. Clyde used his scanner on Lincoln after cleaning him (a lot).

Scanner: All clean, all clean.

Lincoln: (weakly) Hey... Clyde, was it?

Clyde: Yes?

Lincoln: (weakly) I know I haven't got long left so I'm going to tell you this now incase I forget and it's too late. I'm... I'm sorry for making your job harder then it should've been the other day.

Clyde: (surprised but calm) Thank you.

Lincoln: (weakly) By the way, is that offer to be my best friend and wingman still available?

Clyde: (smiles) It sure is.

The Louds returned and they wanted to talk to Lincoln but Lisa wanted to talk to them first.

Lisa: Can I talk in private with the othersh pleashe, Lincoln?

Lincoln: (weakly) Sure, Lisa.

Lisa: Thank you... (points at Clyde and his friends) you lot too please.

Lisa: I overheard shomething Lincoln told Clyde and his friendsh and I'm afraid it'sh true, that electrocution from Auto fatally weakened hish heart and if we can't get back to earth where the neceshary equipment is then he's only got a few miles left anyway.

Lucy: So we have to chose between keeping him safe and giving him a short lifespan or risking it all to get him the care and treatment he needs?

Lynn: We have to chose between falling behind or pushing ahead?

Luan: Between taking a chance and risking it all or playing it safe and suffering defeat?

Lana: Just like in Turbo!

Lisa: Unfortunately yesh.

The Louds talked about it together for ages and and instead of deciding Lincoln's fate for him, they decided that it would be best if Lincoln chose what he wanted to do in his final moments. They went to see what he wanted to do.

Lori: Lincoln, we were thinking and we thought it would be best if we do what ever you want.

Lincoln: (weakly) Really?

Leni: Really.

Lincoln wanted to ask if he could be a part of the Loud family but decided that it would be best if he tried to do something else that would benefit everyone else on the A.R.K.

Lincoln: (weakly) In that case... (reaches into his shirt pocket) Let's finish your directive.

Lincoln's hand left his pocket holding a very important vile filled with some very important blood. The Louds took the vile, they were surprised by the fact that Lincoln chose to help them with their directive. Lola was holding the vile but threw it away.

Leni: (to Lincoln, shakes her head) Taking care of you is our new directive.

Luan: We were hoping to do something more tailored to you.

Lori: Yeah, what do you want? Relationship advice?

Leni: New clothes?

Luna: A concert dedicated to you?

Luan: A stand up comedy routine focused on the things you like?

Lynn: I'll challenge you to anything you want. It doesn't even have to be sports related.

Lucy: How about a poem and a comic book?

Lana: Or maybe we could liberate some virtual animals?

Lola: (to Lincoln) We can talk about what ever you want if we have a tea party together.

Lisa: I can teach you something interesting.

Lily: Yincoln Youd!

Lori: We can even do all those things together and more if you like.

Lincoln was touched be the fact that the Louds were willing to dedicate their time to him. He even found it cute that Lily was treating him like he was family.

Lincoln: (weakly) Guys... that's extremely kind of you, in fact I have a question. Could I be a... actually. (Slowly moves to the thrown away vail) I insist on you finish your old directive first. I overheard what Captain Steven was saying about surviving and living. I'm sick of surviving and I want to live for once but I now want everyone else to live as well. And the only way to do that is by getting everyone back home.

Lisa: Home? You mean...

Lincoln: (weakly) Yes, I mean Earth. And anyway, I know Earth like the back of my own hand, I know where we can find the stuff to fix me.

Lori: Well... if that's what you want then that's what we'll do.

Lincoln: Yes! (in pain) Ow! it hurts to be excited.

Luna: I'll carry you. (pick up Lincoln)

Lincoln: (to Clyde) Clyde, you and your friends coming or what?

Clyde: Yes, wait for us!

Clyde and his friends grabbed onto the Louds and Lori fired her blaster at one of the trash chutes. As soon as the blast touch the cute it exploded causing it to break the chute wide open. The Louds altogether carried Lincoln and his new friends out the garbage bay while the WALL As and the souls of the trash children waved goodbye. Finally back outside the A.R.K. again and Chandler is trying to enjoy his last moments. His oxygen levels were dangerously low and he still could not get back in the A.R.K. To pass the time he decided to draw flowers into the platform he was standing on using his welding torch.

Chandler: (finishes a flower petal) I should've gotten a sewer job.

Suit: Warning, oxygen levels at two percent. Please find replacement oxygen tanks now.

Chandler: Yeah, yeah, whatever (starts working on a new flower but then gets an idea) Wait!

Chandler looked at the torch and then looked at the door. He knew the torch had the power to cleanly cut though metal as he accidentally did that yesterday on a replacement spire he was meant install. He turned the torch's power up to max and started cutting a him-shaped hole. Despite this epiphany, he still remained cautious and took his time to make sure the torch had actually cut through. So far had been a series of bad luck. This patience paid off as Chandler had successfully made an opening for him to move through without fail. The opening lead to a dark hallway with an elevator. He finally got his ticket back into the A.R.K.

Chandler: (thirst pumps) Yes! (runs to the elevator on the other side of the hallway)

So there you have it, the Louds, Lincoln and now Clyde, Liam, Rusty, Zach, Ronnie-Ann and Stella have escaped the garbage bay. As for Chandler he finally got back in the A.R.K. It might be great and all but there is still dangler and adventure left to be had in space for everyone. You might be wondering what adventure is left, I'm sorry but that's a story for another month.

(end of chapter)

To be continued...