[Samurai of Hyuga] chaaarge! by Tokiko220 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Tokiko220 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tokiko220/art/Samurai-of-Hyuga-chaaarge-813796040Tokiko220

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Tokiko220's avatar

Published: Sep 19, 2019


So i just finished SOH4.... am sad
i started this before i started the book and after finishing it i was in such emotional turmoil i didn't even wanna look at it TT idk how i'm gonna make it till the next book T3T)

Pose reference from SenshiStock fav.me/ddaqnu8 [can't recommend these enough!!! they're so cool uwu)]

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2728x3284px 1.75 MB

PINARCI's avatar

Like it yet ... where is the darn O second Xatana ?