Sonic The Hedgehog Review by tombstalker on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Ok, I’ve got to get this out there or else I won’t be able to live with it, Sonic the Hedgehog (or Sonic Next Gen) is not a terrible game! I have recently acquired it and I got to say I don’t understand why all the freaking gamers in the world hate it…ok so maybe I’m thinking with my fan boy head and not from an aesthetic value, so just for shits and giggles, I’m going to review it. Please keep in mind this is my own opinion and if you don’t agree with it then it’s fine, but don’t make a big deal out of it and be a bitch, remember…No one likes a BITCH!

We all know that no one play a Sonic game for the story, but I do say that I enjoyed it. The time travelling plot works nicely because all the pieces come together in the end and it all makes sense, usually with time travelling plots, there’s always a big attempt to make it elaborate and difficult to explain, but this one works well. Although I did not like the whole SonicXElise paring, I’d would prefer if she wasn’t a human I mean, there’s nothing wrong with it but, Blaze was also royalty and she was a furry, why couldn’t Elise be one too? Overall it wasn’t that bad but had it been a little more though trough and it could have seriously stand on its own by now instead of becoming a mildly humorous joke on the internet that it is today. Also I loved seeing Eggman returning to his origins has the main villain and not has comedic relief has recent games have portrait him, when I was young I was truly afraid of him and feared for Sonic, he was just plain evil and not a goofy old man, It was a pleasure to see him look this good and see that he was back to his roots…until Sonic Unleashed fucked him up again!

The game should have been simpler, all fans wanted was a nice high speed running game like Adventure, but SEGA took it too seriously and tried to make it as much has a carbon copy has possible. A lot of the game’s levels are almost identical to Sonic Adventure (Wave Ocean=Emerald Coast? White Acropolis=Ice Cap? Crisis City=City Escape? Aquatic Base=Ocean Base? Etc…)! The games tries has hard has possible to capture the hold momentum from the SA series but fails almost miserably and instead of making it an enjoyable experience, It only makes you wish you were play SA. Now it does become rewarding when you achieve high speed, but when you do so, it’s too hard to control Sonic to enjoy it and you’d rather put down your controller and see sonic go on auto pilot just because you can’t afford to make a mistake and fall off a cliff. Also the town stages were you run around running errands…have to go! Recent sonic games all have them…they have to stop! It’s nice to have side missions and all but…it’s just redundant and makes you want to stop playing the game…and the loadings…oh the loadings…if you played the game for an hour, 25 minutes of it would be wasted on loadings…I’m being dead serious. I know I only addressed Sonic’s game play…but Silver and Shadow’s present some of the same elements of frustration, except playing with Silver is slow has hell and controlling things with your mind…sounded better on paper.

The game has some killer graphics, the animations in the characters are fluent and they look very well, seeing Sonic’s spines shaking with the wind is a very enjoyable eye candy instead of the old fixed texture from past games. The characters look more adult and detailed and just look perfect, Sonic, Eggman, Knuckles, Elise look very realistic…has realistic has a game with hedgehogs and princesses can be, but still they look fine and we can see they took some work to produce. One of my only complaints is that while some characters shine…others just look like cardboard cut-outs. Amy, child Elise and her father look awful, they look like a polygon mess and just end appearing like they’re made of paper which can take its toll on the details making the game look weaker then it is. The backgrounds have the classic SEGA feel and it’s nice to see a more adult Sonic with the classic but also new school look and feel to them.

The voices are really hit and miss. Some sound very good and fit the character well while other make you want to take a vomit shit. The music is not has memorable and just blends in with the background. It’s not bad, but it also doesn’t make you want to tap your feet to the beat like older Sonic games, most of the time you won’t even realize that the music was playing. It’s not bad but it’s not memorable, just passable enough.

There are the side quests and time trails and trying to find the emblems…I mean Solleana Coins. It’ll take you a good time to find them all in all the stages with all the characters. If the loading time doesn’t make you give up by now, then it can surely keep you occupied for a while…but after that, there are not many other reasons to play it.

-Final Remarks-
Sonic The Hedgehog is not a bad game, but it was badly executed, the Blue Blur could have done better. The constant loadings will make you feel like you’re not getting your money’s worth, imagine if in the old Sonic The Hedgehog for the Genesis, you had to wait for the game to load each time you headed for the next section of the level…it’s painful. This game just feels like a task to clear, it makes you want to finish it has close has possible and just F’ it, and game’s shouldn’t be like that. If you invest in it, you’ll have some fun. The speed, the graphics and even the old throw backs to the classic games will make you remember why you bought it in the first place.