Spirit 6692 by TotemSpirit on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Registered name: Spirit
ID number:6692
Owner: xWolfwingx Previously: depictured
Previously: akllozz Previously: eliysia
Previously: NinjaSundae Previously:Gidayu
Breeder: DracoTheXtremeCheeto
Species: Tokotas
Breed: Canarctos dirus 10%
Age: 2 Years
Mane type: Natural Mane
Genotype: ee/Aa/TT/MM/AA/CC/nD/Gg/nWl
Phenotype: Marked collared graying tawny dun with wolverine and accents
Eye color: Yellow
**Height:**199 cm
Weight: 1300 lbs
**Heirarchy status:**Average
**Rites of Fertility:**3/3
Rite of Merit: Passed with average score.
Rite of Fortitude: Passed with average score.
Rite of the Hunt: Passed with average score.
**Rites of Dominance:**0/5
**Health status:**Healthy


Personality: Spirit's an avid hunter and willing companion, always lovey dovey with her handler. One of her favorite past times is swimming and fishing.

- Honor trait:
5+ point score benefit in all group-sanctioned
Show jumping, Dressage, Halter, and Liberty competitions.


------------------------------------------ SSS: Kangee WM01

------------------------------------------ SSD: Eila 178

------------------------------------------ SDS: Abitu 1455

------------------------------------------ SDD: Aujaq 843

------------------------------------------ DSS: Drogo 515

------------------------------------------ DSD: Daenerys 514

------------------------------------------ DDS: Yakone 1068

------------------------------------------ DDD: Bwana 1531

**Design (c) Gidayu