Thalia Turnwall (OC) by tptur91 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Thalia is a former princess of overthrown kingdom of Tebarac. The kingdom was betrayed by her uncle who allowed foreign military in by shadowfall of her 19th birthday. She managed to escape destruction of the castle with the help of her brother who stayed behind fighting to make sure her escape went unhindered. To her knowledge she aside from traitorous uncle were last living members of her family after that night.

At first she had trouble navigating trough world without privileges of nobility but she soon found out her charm and nimble fingers were her way to enough coin to keep her comfortable. She also had enough royal martial training to wield pair of daggers and a whip when faced with armed enemies. Her history of sneaking around castle to hear gossip and steal baked goods she so loved helped her in her new life by finding openings other's couldn't see and passageways long forgotten.

She soon found her new life liberating, especially because she was more free in her dalliances. She never was keen on her indented, son of a count who helped her uncle in taking over her father's kingdom. She was more interested in the fairer sex and after couple years of living the life of a rouge, she had more than few damsels common and noble who wayed for her attention after a visit.

She never forgot though, who wronged her and waited for opportunity to take back her kingdom. She stayed in neighboring kingdom of Magarr and stayed many nights in the purring cat inn, waiting for something or someone who could help her in her quest.