Death of Myth by TracyBach on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

TracyBach on DeviantArt

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TracyBach's avatar

Published: Mar 11, 2007


Graphite pencil on illustration board. About 15”x17” (38cm x 43cm).

Illustration for a story I made up. The wizard is predicting the extinction of all the creatures that are now considered to be mythology, the idea being that they once actually existed. The wizard is not Gandalf, despite how much I like Toilken. This was drawn before the Lord of the Ring movies came out and at the time my vision of Gandalf was closer to the gnarled old tree of a man that is in the animated The Hobbit.

© 2002 Tracy Bach

Image size

2551x3126px 2.26 MB

Mistymagic1's avatar


Your art is just beautiful.
I am so impressed with the wizard, wonderful drawing!

Eva Winters
Hampton, VA