Zurock by Transapient on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

"What a peculiar specimen.", proclaimed Professor Sti'lcruae. Ke held the unconscious arborodon Megacephalus within a small plasma sheild. Sti'lcruae had been monitoring the new populations of hybrid mutants of the insectoid species on Echoi for several months now. Ke paused for a moment to reflect on ker specimen's enviornment. They were in a rainforest biome of the planet with deep blue, bilaterally symmetrical trees. Faint winds whisped through the leaves like a strange murmer of pings ke interpreted as jibberish. Enchanting calls of myriad species of flying, gliding, climbing, and floating creatures and vocal plants abounded all around. Sti'lcruae floated safely beneath a disk of neutronium several centimeters think. Hovering with the aid of traditional antigravity installments, the disk's ultra-dense matter and gravity cancelled out the gravity of the planet below.
The specimen differed greatly in appearence from previous hybrid specimens. The original species were trunk-dwellers and fruit-mimics, both had cone-shaped bodies. The new hybrids were a light bluish-purple but still cone-shaped. Echoi was currently undergoing a spurt of ecological change. The climate was getting warmer and wetter. Some species were dying out, others were flourishing, others went about their business as usual. But some species had never been seen before. The change in climate put stress on many populations, driving some individuals to display abnormal behavior. Such as mating with other, similar species. Not all hybrids were sterile. The mutants the proffessor was observing had limited breeding capabilities. But still, none compared to the one ke held in ker sheild at the moment. This one not only pocessed a highly functioning reproductive system, but was shaped differently as well. This individual was flat, and was brightly colored on its underside. Sti'lcruae knew nothing of color though, ke merelly detected the differing electromagnetic signals radiating from the little body through ker EMTPU device.
"How will this specimen fare against the others?" Ke asked kerself in a rather dreamy way. Ke had seen many species arise on many planets through the process ke was now witnessing. Evolution was not a gradual process, it worked in leaps and bounds. Every so often a freak is born, and if it is preadapted to survive in a new fashion, it passes its genes on. Sti'lcruae knew this. Ke scanned the specimen for its DNA code, then grently placed it on a leaf, waking it with a small electric shock. "Ach, enoughf for today, back to the ship." In a flash of telaportation, ke was back in ker private room in the giant obervatory/research station which orbited the planet below. The news of the new mutant would be received with exitement by other members of the crew and team. It may even become a small sensation for the nutzuii colonists on Echoi. The zurocks had always been loyal to their eos precedors, and will coninue to catalouge the work of the Creator. But the news would have to wait. It had been a long conscious period, and the simulated textural spacescape was alluring. Ke folded around a pillowcone, turned on the ipod, and let Coldplay take ker away...