Ancient Tree by TranslucentRunner on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

This project started when @bestpixels_ launched the weekly challenge and the topic was "ancient tree". I quickly came up with an idea, but... I realised I would never be in time with my work. I worked hard for several days straight, then I said to myself "relax and take as much time as you need". Animation process took me 3 months; I can't lie, I'm proud of myself, tbh.

You know, sometimes it's hard to start the animation, 'cause you just don't know where to start exactly. But you just do it and then you catch the stream. It was fun to animate characters, but the most difficult part was the river. River! I re-animated it like 4-5 times. At first it was too messy, then too fast, then too something-I-didn't-like-either and so on. Only after a hundred tries I got the result I wanted.

Last challenging thing was render. My PC is too old and weak for high quality render. I managed to get a good video, but I hope in future I will be able to buy a new more powerful one.