Tanz der Vampire Stamp by TrapDoorLover on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

TrapDoorLover on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/trapdoorlover/art/Tanz-der-Vampire-Stamp-56566084TrapDoorLover

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TrapDoorLover's avatar

Published: May 31, 2007


My frist dA stamp, I've made a few with solid black borders, and the next few will probably be with just the stamp border. :shrug: its fun. And I'm going a little stamp-crazy currently. Expect to see many more.

Image size

192x100px 40.48 KB

Alex-thegreenteafish's avatar

OH MY GOD. I was just looking around your gallery and saw this! A Tanz Der Vampire Stamp! I became obsessed with the play after I watched it in my first trip to Berlin last year!!!! Count Krolock you rock my socks!!! XD Especially in the song, Die unstillbare Gier, so touching *tear* Naoko you amaze me with your range of knowledge of musicals/operas! (I thought no one knew of this in America z><z and was sad I had no one to share the fandom/awesomeness with!)