ToaG: JLPT Part 1 by TriaElf9 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

So, finally got down to the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency test) comics. I got so much comic material out of this day, yet it was a generally terrible day. I was sick, and I spent the whole day traveling, taking a test and then basically beating myself up for stupid mistakes. It totally ruined my love of Japanese, and I'm so never doing it again. Oh, and I don't find out my score for 2 whole months. JOY.

A few comments on each panel, which are only brief moments in time... (this isn't meant to be the funniest of comics, more of a bit of info on my test taking process and other things on that day)

Panel 1: The mass exodus from the train. It was just waves of foreigners, and it seemed to baffle the two Japanese people that were there. very funny ^_^

Panel 2: There were some GIANT foreigners. I mean, I'm not a shrimp or anything, but so many people TOWERED over me. It was kinda scary. It was a shock after being the tallest for so long to suddenly feeling tiny.

Panel 3: My entire train was full of Filipino people, most of them rather attractive men, who were all sitting on one another. Seriously, it seemed like a set up to a bad porno....

Panel 4: As we all trooped up to the college, we got stares from adults and kids from the windows of the college buildings. Since I doubt elementary school students should be on a college campus, I'd like to think that their parents brought them there to watch the giant foreigner parade.

Enjoy! Part 2 on Wednesday!


Part 2: [link]
Part 3: [link]
Part 4: [link]

More comics in my series here: Tales of a Gaijin
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