ToaG: Lactose Intolerance Part 2 by TriaElf9 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)


My life needs to settle down and calm down. Hopefully b/c the end of the month, everything should be sorted out. And it doesn't help that my brain is fried from sickness >_<

Part 2 of this comic: Accepting the horror of lactose intolerance...

I know it will hurt me to eat that much milk, especially chocolate which, the cheap brands at least, tend to just stick in pure lactose (JERKS), but occasionally I go through stages of defiance where I say FUCK THIS and eat a ton, and then a few hours later OH WHY WHY WHY.

I have actually said all of those things at one time or another, in that last panel. I'm such a wimp when I'm sick and/or in pain ^_^;;; Pretty much every time I get sick, I claim that I'm dying. I'm so pathetic :P


More comics in my series here: Tales of a Gaijin
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