M.O.C.13:Takutanuva (Revamp) by Trimondius01 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Trimondius01 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/trimondius01/art/M-O-C-13-Takutanuva-Revamp-899092358Trimondius01

Deviation Actions

Trimondius01's avatar

Published: Nov 27, 2021


Another day another revamp.This time I tackled Takutanuva,an ok'ish combiner if you consider the fact that the build is like a buffed up Makuta with some random shit added to it (and yes I have the movie edition mask,dont ask me how much I had to shill to get it....).So what did I do,I tried to make the colourscheme a 50/50 split,with the right side being gold,white and light grey then the left side gunmetal,black and red,plus the middle being silver.I remade the entire thing from scratch while also using some pieces from the 2 sets,I tried to keep things consistent in the build despite both sides being assymetrical to some degree.I made the staff a little bigger plus added some detail to it.
I hope you enjoy.

Image size

4896x3264px 8.67 MB

Date Taken

May 14, 2018, 5🔞21 PM

@Trimondius01 do you have any instructions on how make this guy? Does this revamp use some of the parts from the Makuta and Takanuva sets or does it use different parts from different sets?