Secrets by trinafool on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

trinafool on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

trinafool's avatar

Published: Jul 22, 2017


This is a "fix" of an old painting (same name). I originally was just going to fix the eyes, but it snowballed from there to painting over a majority of the painting. There are still a lot of things that could be done better, but I feel like it's a huge improvement over the original. Anyway, I won't try to do any more fixes on this one in the future. It's dead to me ;p But as always, if anyone has some insight into how to improve something, I'd love to hear it for future reference. I LOVE critical feedback.

Image size

2784x2784px 4.18 MB

Date Taken

Jul 22, 2017 10:32:42 AM -06:00