So Many Wonders by Triox404 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Triox404's avatar

Published: Aug 18, 2011


Fluttershy from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Special thanks to the new PinkiePieSwear song "Flutterwonder" for remining me that I was wanting to do this image. - [link]

Reference Image: [link]

Season 1; Episode 23 "The Cutie Mark Chronicles"

Image size

4000x3745px 707.31 KB

Colinidas's avatar

I cry a little when I hear this song because everyone fails to see the deeper spiritual meaning behind the song; Fluttershy was constantly picked on for her lack of flying talent and believed herself to be useless. However, when she accidentally fell to the ground and saw how the animals had treated her so kindly, Fluttershy realized that though she wasn't a good flier, she had the ability to communicate with animals on a deeper level. She learned to focus on what she could do rather than what she couldn't do. My Little Pony is sheer genius! Nice work!