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Kingdoms of Equestria ((EQG/Medieval Fantasy))

The fourteen Kingdoms The Far North is the Crystal Empire, ruled by Queen Cadence and King Shining Armor, they have a daughter at age 9 named Princess Flurry Heart, it is a Tundra/Taiga landscape Below it is their neighbors in the enchanted kingdom of the Twilight Kingdom, Ruled by Shining Armor parents, Queen Twilight Velvet and King Night Light, the yongest is 17 year old Princess Twilight Sparkle, the kingdom is the third largest kingdom, Twilights best friends are her royal servents, and bodygaurds Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze. to the far west is the Sun Empire, ruled by Queen Celestia, her kingdom is next to sea, which the largest kingom with a rich history, Raven Inkwell is her royal asisstant to the far east is the Lunar Republic, a democratic style kingdom ruled by Celestia younger sister Luna, she is newly elected as the Queen and their kingdom is known to have the highest economy class. up in the north east is the Starscout Theocracy, a Theocratic nation