Born from the fear by Tuohipieksu on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Tuohipieksu's avatar

Published: Sep 9, 2008


My goodness, fanart time feat. Ulquiorra Schiffer. Ohohohooo how much I don't-like this character. In beginning he was cool and now he is just... so very boring. so very heartless bastard like villain. I'm so disapointed in you, you know >.<

Anygays. Did this in art history lesson. Also. Yes, I'd have better things to do *cough* take notes *cough* but... I just started to draw,and since they guy looked (well.. no, actually) like Ulqu I decided to draw Ulqu. And et voila.

He doesn't look idiot enough. Actually he looks kinda cute, but in wrong way. I failed.

Comments and criticism would be nice. If you have thoughts, share them by all means.

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436x720px 519.87 KB