One Hand In My Pocket2. by TwistedHearts on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

TwistedHearts's avatar

Published: Jun 12, 2009


M y W e b s i t e T W I S T E D H E A R T S A R T S . C O M

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"And what it all comes down to Is that I haven't got it all figured out just yet 'cause I've got one hand in my pocket And the other one is giving the peace sign I'm free but I'm focused I'm green but I'm wise I'm hard but I'm friendly baby I'm sad but I'm laughing I'm brave but I'm chickenshit I'm sick but I'm pretty baby"
-Alanis Morissette; One Hand In My Pocket.

Model: Me.
Photographer: *SneakDevilRomes

Edit: I like this better because I was so sloppy with the blurriness ^^;. It was kinda bugging me... it looked like I had a grassy butt and stuff ;P. It's all fixed now :).
Edit: I'm still unhappy with this... I shall fix this tomorrow.

Featured Here: :love:

Image size

893x1215px 188.09 KB