My corrupted by TyelerKostlan on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Hope you all like it!

Zane is the most suave and sophisticated of the group. He always makes sure his suit is clean and he has a rose in hand. He enjoys luring his victims into a false sense of security and then attack viciously.

JJ, or also known as Joker Jay, is our beloved Jay with a Joker twist. He is far more insane and loves to laugh at everything. Even if it’s not funny. He, as well as the others, has a lust for blood but he wants to make sure his victims have a good laugh before they meet their demise.

Cole isn’t that much of a talker. He tends to brutally attack anyone who is in his way. His body has slowly turned into stone and his skin is rock hard. Killing people doesn’t bother him. It’s like killing a spider or ant.

Kai uses pyrokinesis immensely, and is angry most of the time. He gets pissed off easily and uses his hands when he’s enraged to destroy anything in his path. He once demolished a whole building with just fire.