Undead Minotaur Advance by Ubermonster on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Ubermonster on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ubermonster/art/Undead-Minotaur-Advance-424188387Ubermonster

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Ubermonster's avatar

Published: Jan 3, 2014


An Illustration I did for Legend of the Cryptids. I thought I had posted this. It's the Advanced version of my other minotaur piece I did for the same company.

Copyright Applibot Inc

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1500x2000px 1.59 MB

TheDragonoyd1847's avatar

Fun fact: even thogh this picture is very well-made and impressive, it will never be as recognized as the terrible OCs and the pony art. Life is a jock =D