Cassie Darr EfN Reference by uvnote on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

^^; I'd like to add more to the drawing part, but I am rapidly running out of time. Sooo, enjoy! Here's everything you never(a) wanted to know about a certain not-so-crazy Seer...

For *EscapeFromNevara OCT
:bulletwhite: What: Reference Sheet

What would you give up for the chance to know the future?
(aka, the Standard Blurb)

The Darr family had always been a little strange. A bit 'touched,' as the neighbours used to say; nice enough folk, but the family always seemed to have an unusually high incidence of quirks, oddities and disasters occuring (not in the least of which was 'Houdini,' the grandfather in the local psyc ward). Still, the family seemed normal enough till the day of their eldest daughter's 14th birthday.

Distant descendants of one of the great Agamemnon's illegitimate sons, the Darrs are indeed touched by the gods. When they turn fourteen, every child is given a choice; they may receive the same blessings from the gods that their ancestors received, or continue living their lives as normal humans. They may chose which blessing they will recieve, but there is one catch; something must also be lost. And until you lose it, there is no way of knowing what it might be. Sometimes it is as trivial as a paper clip. Sometimes it might be your future fortune. Sometimes it might be a friend. Sometimes...

It's a lot of responsibility for a fourteen-year-old to take on, isn't it? Not many make the choice.

But there is always one who does.

She thought she could save the world. But gods are tricky with their favors...

Name: Cassandra Darr (commonly called Cassie, affectionately called Cass)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Nationality: Greek/Irish by way of Seattle
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 117lb

Religion: Cassie’s an atheist who actually met the Olympian Gods on her 14th birthday. Meeting them didn’t give her religion, but it certainly gave her someone to curse when things start to go horribly, disastrously wrong…which they often do. :XD:

:bulletwhite: Important note: The younger Olympians, led by Apollo, are trying to gain strength by re-establishing a fan base in the twenty-first century, and have been doing so by handing out ‘favors’ to distant descendants of Greek Heros in the hope that the ancient bloodlines would run true. This campaign has (so far) been met with only limited success; nevertheless, these Gods do look in on their disobedient ‘charges’ every so often, and have been known to interfere occasionally…

Appearance: Whitish-blond hair, tends to be somewhat fluffy/frizzy; slightly longer than shoulder-length. Sometimes pulled back in a high ponytail, very flyaway and tangled when left loose. Skin geek-pale with permanent freckles and a tendency to flush when she gets angry or upset. Eyes brown. Is most comfortable in school-girl fashion, but for the purposes of this tournament, she’s more often seen in a hospital gown...:XD:…or whatever else she can scrounge.

Personality: Serious with a sense of humor, has very strong opinions, wants to save the world from an apocalypse that only she can See coming. She has an unstable mind, and tends to slip into insanity without much provocation or prior warning. Has been known to swear the sky white on occasion. Has an addict’s personality: her visions have become her ‘drug.’ Tends to think/talk iN a moSt PeCuliAr mAnnEr…
:bulletwhite: One important note: Cassie has a bad habit of internalizing her dialog...meaning she often speaks without standard speech bubbles. She may still be speaking out loud, or she may not be. You can decide for yourself whether or not your character can hear her when she does this.

Abilities and Weaknesses:

:bulletwhite: Anything she says is automatically never believed. By anyone. At all. It sucks, but it was the inevitable trade-off for her ‘gift’ from the gods, the ability to see the future while in direct contact with sunlight. The only apparent exceptions to this hard and fast rule have been shadow creatures; first Grimm, and now Apparition, have seemed to be able to understand and believe Cassandra…and possibly one other OC that has entered this competition…

:bulletwhite: Her ability makes her reflexes increase, as she can see several possible paths into the future of her opponent’s actions. However, since every living thing has an infinite number of futures available, she does not always see, or choose, the correct path to lead her to safely. And, unfortunately, she will sometimes forget exactly where in the time line her actual physical body resides, and think she ducked already…doesn’t happen often, but it does happen. ^^;

:bulletwhite: One major weakness is a tendency to get so wrapped up in reading one opponent’s future that she completely forgets to keep a weather eye on the present…and any other opponent she might have. She’s still working on that one…^^;

:bulletwhite: The visions can be overwhelming, but even so, having the ability activated can be utterly intoxicating to Cassandra. (Think junkie on the best high of their life, and you might get the picture.) After prolonged exposure, she becomes extremely cocky and confident...some would say overly so…

:bulletwhite: On the swing side, remove the sun and she goes into a sort of ‘withdrawal.’ If she’s mentally strong enough to gradually pull herself out of the sun on her own, the ‘withdrawal’ symptoms are relatively minor, and she can continue to think clearly, though she might get a case of the shakes. But if hurt or emotionally traumatized, or simply in an area with no shade, she’ll retreat back onto that ‘high’ until shadow falls…either by nature, or by the design of an opponent.
The consequences…aren’t particularly pleasant…

:bulletwhite: Sunlight filtered through the clouds makes for patchy, faded visions, and moonlight or starlight is useless; her Gift comes from Apollo alone. So fighting at night or on cloudy days is very hard for Cassie. She looses any edge her future-telling might give her, and she isn’t naturally talented at fighting. Usually, she just hides. However, when the madness seizes her, there’s no telling what she’ll do…

:bulletwhite: She is unstable, and can go absolutely feral at times. At this point her guile usually all but disappears, and she’s about as subtle as King-Kong; dangerous, but not difficult to see coming. But she can be unpredictable…

:bulletwhite: Agile, with reasonably decent reflexes even without her future-sight, but not particularly strong. In fact, Cassandra is singularly weak compared to most OCT combatants; she was just a typical high schooler two years ago, and has been confined to various psych wards (both in her reality and in Everafter) for the past year and a half…not the ideal situation for bodybuilding.

:bulletwhite: Having said that, she is not without her own brand of ' power boost.' By blocking pain signals, her madness does occasionally make her do things that her relatively weak frame shouldn’t have been able to withstand. This takes its toll on her body, often causing massive self-inflicted damage. In the long run, the ability is a deficit rather than a plus, but it can be useful for ending fights quickly, or for running away.

:bulletwhite: Her steps are ‘guided by the gods’...meaning, she gets unfortunately lucky every so often. Not guaranteed, usually not when she really needs it, and always in the most uncomfortable fashion possible (ie, falling down a cliff to avoid taking an undetected bullet to the head...)…but it has saved her life a couple of times.

:bulletwhite: Cassie's other addiction is hope. She tries to deny it, and believes she’s too jaded now for it to be true, but offering her hope is the most sure-fire way to get her to agree to something, or trust someone.

:bulletwhite: She has no ‘Magic Healing Ability,’ and no knowledge of first aid beyond Band-aids. Any damage done to her in the last fight will still be present in the next, unless enough time has passed for the injury to heal between fights, or she encounters another being who can heal her.

Weapons and Equipment

:bulletwhite: They say that anything can be a weapon in the hands of a madman or a trained expert. Well, Cassie can prove the first half of that statement true, at least. Rocks, tree branches, stair rails…the stairs themselves. If it’s in the surrounding environment, she’ll attempt to find a future that will ‘create’ a weapon out of it…and then do her best to send events down the path towards that end.

:bulletwhite: Cassie enters the world of Nevara with only two things to her name; a hospital gown, and an abandoned ballpoint pen she finds in the lying on the floor of the Mansion, probably dropped by another contestant. The pen is old and most of the ink has already spent, but it can be used as a point-puncture weapon if necessary. Cassandra also likes to doodle on her skin with it.

:bulletwhite: Cassandra also has, surprisingly, a decent amount of training with firearms…:XD: She doesn’t carry a gun, but if a loaded one should happen to fall into her hands, watch out! Perhaps this expertise is a result of one of the many ‘games’ she played in the Everafter Asylum? The tournament may never know…;P

:bulletwhite: Vision! Cassie could care less about her personal comfort, but Normal! Cassie is still just a 16-year-old girl and finds running around barefoot and in a paper thin hospital gown incredibly uncomfortable, not to mention embarassing. She’ll attempt to scrounge more clothes and supplies as the Tourney goes on…

Motivation: Cassie has been forced to come to the realization that if she can’t find some way of making the world listen to her, she’ll never be able to stop the End of the World she sees each and every future leading to. So she’s been latching on to hope after desperate hope, praying that somewhere, somehow, she’ll find the way to break her curse, and once again be believed…