Hippalectryon by Valchitsa on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
Valchitsa on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/valchitsa/art/Hippalectryon-364383915Valchitsa
Deviation Actions
Published: Apr 9, 2013
This is from my Greek Mythology portfolio. It's done in watercolor, but it didn't come out as colorful as I would like. I was experimenting with a new watercolor set, and lets just say the set seized to exist after it washed off the paper after 3 days of being left alone. I had to finish this with a more color limited set, while painting over the previous overly sensitive paint. I didn't even want to attempt a background like I wanted to because I was afraid the whole picture would smear off.
Image size
3053x2444px 924.6 KB
What a handsome hippalectryon! I absolutely love this creature, and you did it so well! Great job! ^_^