I found you! by ValerieMcQueen on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Deleted scene from se7.

There was dust and embers everywhere, into the ash and the sounds of the battle the visibility was practically nil. Shiro ran from one place to another, he had a vague idea of ​​Keith's whereabouts but that was when he saw him from the air when his jetpack slowed down the jump he had taken from Sendak's ship, now, with his feet on the ground, everything was a mess of dirt. Keith took off his helmet, unable to wear it any longer, by habit he put his forearm to his face, sweat and heat were harassing him, but he stopped in time, in those conditions his eyes would be hurt if he rubbed them, he immediately thought of Shiro, he was on the ship, groping, he started to walk and soon impatience and fear took hold of him and he began to run blindly, he shouted Shiro's name but an explosion covered the sound of his voice, Keith trembled at the sight of Sendak’s wrecked ship among the clouds of sand, just when he was about to scream again, a strong arm took him by the neck, turned him and was face to face with Shiro who took him with both arms and pulled Keith to himself, "I… I found you! "Shiro said with a lump in his throat and tears in his eyes, unable to contain himself anymore he put his lips on Keith's and pulled him even closer to his body, Keith was breathing agitatedly as he had taken him by surprise, Keith felt Shiro's warmth in his mouth and put his hand on the back of Shiro's neck to kiss him deeper. Warm tears appeared in the corner of his eye, but he was not sad, no, not at all.

(I suck at writting drabbles, I'm so sorry! uwuU)