Hector - OC Ninjago by Vampire-Sensei on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Attention! This may be long but I think worth it! Sorry for mistakes but english is not my 1st language. so lets start!

Name: Hector Garmadon
Power: Destruction
Weapon: katana, sai, bow
Age: 28
Eye's color: dark brown
Hair color: black

Hector is certainly bad/evil, but he has a little bit of good in his heart. He can be very vulgar, malicious and annoying to everyone. This is his method of fighting fear against people.
It leads a rather entertaining lifestyle. His favorite entertainment besides playing on instruments is to drink and start fights. (X' D) On more than one occasion, he was banned from homeowners from being entertained by his behaviour and small thefts on customers. He has the character of a slightly wisted boy who loves to flirt, but nothing else. This is only one interaction that he make with people most girls.
Because he has the power to destroying, he cannot be controlled. When he play or train, he can't stop and become brutal and cruel. He is also reckless and often runs the risk of being killed quickly during combat. Hector fights mainly with sai and katana, but his favorite weapon is bow. He loves to shoot to everything and uses it at any time. Thanks to bow shooting, he relaxes and forgets about problems.

His mother was a curtain living in the palace. She met Garmadon when the Emperor's palace was attacked, but when Garmadon realized that he might fail, he tried to hide in an abandoned building. His mother found Garmadon injured and tried to help him. Boy was growing up in secret by his mother and her theatre friends, Hektor helped them prepare their makeup and clothes. He learned to dance and play instruments. When he was 13 years old, he played on the scene in accompaniment with other musicians. Hektor knew that such a life was not for him. He didn't like to play for people and didn't like their company, he felt very bad and scared. He decided that he had to change it. Stage life was not for him. When he returned home after training, he noticed a scroll with an inscription on recruitment to the army. His mother feel so bad about this, she was not delighted by this fact. In the country, there was still war and hunger, and Hektor wanted to help a poor mother who didn't earn too much from the „men's company”.

When he was still a young boy, Garmadon visited him several times. Unfortunately, Hektor doesn't remember anything about that and unfortunately later Morro mixes and alters his memories so Hektor seems to hate his father and he think that he left them especially.
When he didn't work in the theatre, he made sure that his mother didn't happen anything bad when she met with clients. Through the sight of drunken and pushy men, he hated people even more and wanted to become even stronger so that his family would be safe. Ultimately, he made this decision when one of the drunken clients attacked his mother with knife and killed her, because she didn't want to sleep with him. Hektor couldn't agree that he came too late and saw the corpse of his mother and mess at home. He was angry at himself, but more on someone who did it. In the attack of rage he started to destroy their village by killing every man that he managed to meet. He was finally caught and sentenced to be cut, but "some strength" saved him. (it was Morro who admired his combat frenzy and wanted to use it in his plan of destruction. )Hektor escaped from the soldier's hands and ran until he fell of exhaustion. After a few days he found Ninjago City. This city had a charm and thought that he could stay there, but he had a different purpose. He remembered that several cities were still recruiting for the army.

At the age of 22, he became the commander of the royal army. He worked very hard on his success, which he didn't enjoy for too long. On the emperor's birthday, someone killed emperor. It was a silent murder by adding poison to sake when the emperor brought in a toast. Hector was once again shocked because during the toasting ceremony, Hector gave the poisoned cup to the emperor and he didn’t noticed something could be wrong. He has once again failed. He promised himself that he would never allow anyone to die anymore, yet somebody killed the emperor, who was always understanding for him like father. Because people were still afraid of Hektor, they thought he had killed him. He was in his closest imperial world and always at emperor's side. It was an ideal opportunity to put blame on him because it would be difficult to explain it.

Hektor finally decided not to fight the whole world for the first time and left. On the day of the emperor's funeral, he laid his helmet and sword next to the coffin and, crying, apologized for his defeat. He did it when he thought that nobody was there, but it turned out that in the room was also a master of ambsorbation elements who followed him. Hektor managed its too late to escape this place so fight started. Hektor definitely lost with him and the final attack which was to kill him, seriously injured his arm and also whole body. He tried to escape from the field of fire but his hand was burnt in the shoulder and arm area. He was seriously injured but after all was found by good hearted ninja Mari( :iconmaryh15: ), who was stationed in a ninja camp nearby. As soon as he felt better, he left a card with thanks and escaped to Ninjago City, which he liked so much and tried to find a job. It wasn't easy, but in the end some blacksmith was pity over him and taught him how to make weapons and swords. Then he met Kai and Nya who ran a competitive shop. Hektor after some time proposed to Nya but she was not interested and rejected him.

Days passed very slowly and monotonously until one night Morro appeared.
Morro accepted his bad nature and taught him to fight better. He still have in his heart mother's death, which Morro used by promising him to bring her back to life in exchange for giving him the power of the elemental masters (similar method used by Chen but the attribute was a dagger that he received from Morro from a ghost's land). They became best friends and promised to kill Lloyd and ninjas, no matter what.

After couple of years Hector meet Yash (my second oc – master of shadow) At first they didn’t like each other and fought to the last breath but during one of the breaks they talked and concluded that many things connected them. They both hate ninja and when one will need another, he will not hesitate to help.

Additional info:
He has a problem with trusting anyone. He tries to act alone, which often puts him in trouble.
When he met Morro, he decided to give him his life to serve as a "weapon" of revenge.
He is very confident and never gives up until he reaches his goal. He mastered the art of tactics to perfection, which is why he is a very good strategist.
He love to use bow in free time but his favourite form of relaxation is calligraphy and black magic.
His secret dream is to be the greatest master and have a family.
He has a lot of scars on the body because he often gets into trouble.
He doesn't know how to call the dragon, but knows Spinjitzu.
He cannot fight with his fists and becomes very quickly tired after the fight.
He has a tattoo with the' Oni / Demon' kanji.
Hector is 195 centimeters tall.
He like to drink alcohol and play on ryuteki.

Clothing: Wears a purple yukata which is especially sewn to cover only one hand. As his belt there is a wide belt of obi, which binds his belt with stone (amaranth) because it is a gift from mother. Wear black gloves and protectors. The trousers are blue covered with black leg protectors. As footwear he wears bound sandals. From time to time he use black mask on face.

⭐ If You want to be part of story just PM me :) I still can write something new ;)

New design battle suit: (2018) File by TheVampireSensei

Don't steal my character or redesign it!