New OC: Irona Crytin by VarlonKitora on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

This is Irona! The TRUE creator of my world of Irona. XD He is, in a nutshell, the Ironian equivalent of the Christian God. And, though he can be defeated, it's extremely difficult.

Name: Irona Stalin Crytin
Age: Unknown
Race: Devil, angel, fairy, mortal mixbreed
personality: Gentle, quiet, and respectful with a hit of insanity and outgoingness
Zodiac: Gemini
Birthday: June 18
F.O.: Omnivore
S.O.: Undecided
R.S.: single
Power: Ability to manifest, manipulate, or destroy what he wishes
Minor abilities: High speeds and strength, Crystal manipulation and formation, telepathy, power increases when he's harmed.
Weapon: Anything he forms (usually made out of crystals.)

Irona was the first being to form, walk, and bring the world to life, though he honestly has no idea about his own past. He soon formed an underground kingdom along with his first friend, Krotus. The kingdom, however, was destroyed upon Kokoros formation of the seven lands. Soon after, he went above land too see what happened and found the seven gems. He know they wouldn't be powerful enough to keep the world balanced so he took and recreated them with a stronger power.
This did steal away a huge chunk of his power though so he has been sleeping under ground, with Krotus guarding him, for over 70,000 years to regain the power he lost.

His role in my game is the true final boss. After the player achieves the seven gems and heads back to Nellirea, they will be interrupted by Krotus, who tries to stop them.
upon defeating Krotus, the player will reach the alter in which to power the gems, as well as Irona, who blocks the way. He's speaks, but doesn't give the player much time to respond.
"You who have traveled the world and gained my crystals, show me your worth, or you shall be forced to turn back and start over your journey."
After this speech, the battle begins. If the player looses, the game ends with a game over. If the player wins, he steps out of the way and helps power the gems.
He is also the final character that can be unlocked and played as, after winning the final chapter of the game.

If you want to ask him something go ahead!

Irona, Art, and game concept: Me