''The Tiny Toon Show'' by Vederick on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

So it should be pretty obvious this all heavily traced from TLTS promotional art, right? Sweating a little...

Sorry, I'm sick at the moment (no, not with you-know-what, but it ain't great) but this silly little idea
came into my head and really I wanted to share it. :) (Smile)

It's just wishful thinking; I miss Tiny Toons. If you're unfamiliar, basically they did the same sort of things the Looney Tunes do
just with the addition of an occasional school setting (they weren't at all restricted to it), family/relationship drama, and having the
parodies and satire targeting the youth/pop culture of the time.

In spite of that last point it was so well written that it really isn't too "dated" at all (at least I still enjoy watching it, anyway);
I would absolutely love a reboot, or even just a straight-up continuation of this one.

The first episode could be framed around the Tinies being in a meeting with WB (trying to get THIS show greenlit) by pitching (and subsequently parodying)
each of the many ways WB has tried to keep the regular Looney Tunes relevant in the years since TinyToons went off the air. Wink/Razz

...For instance, Plucky could pitch an "edgy, action-oriented show", then show them (and us the viewers) an 'episode' of "The TinyToon-atics",
after which Plucky would cross his arms confidently and smugly say something like "It couldn't POSSIBLY fail."

...meanwhile the producers just wince and tug their collars, embarrassedly Giggle