Beyond the Flames Chapter 3 by VelvetPersona on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Chapter 3

(Kai's POV)

"Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane!! No, it's SINGLE MAN!!" Jay shouted ecstatically over the PMS during our free-fall to the chaotic Twilight below.

I whip out my own PMS while maintaining steady visual contact on the streaking Twin Sais of Oblivion.

"Jay, this is no time to be making jokes!! In case you haven't noticed we're about to enter a war zone!!" I yell irritably once I pressed the "All Call" button, so everyone can hear me.

"Sorry, just had to get that out!!"

"Everyone, focus and pay attention," Cole calls out austerely, "Lloyd just filled me in on the Serpentine location points!! There's a crap load of the suckers spread out all over Twilight, so we're going to have to split up!!"

The Sais suddenly emits a powerful dark silver aura and increases in speed. I change my body's position to a dive and chase after them.

Where do you think you're going in such a damn hurry?!

"Zane, Ayane head towards Alto Park a force of Serpentine are there, wipe them out then regroup with Sasha and me at City Hall where the brunt of the Serpentine are!!"



In my peripheral far to the west I see a flash of light blue light then Zane's Snowmobile descends at break-neck speed towards Alto Park.

*powerful sharp cry of eagle*


"Jay, Nya you two head for the museum on Pathfinder Boulevard, Hydra Tanks will be in vicinity, so keep your guard up!!"

"No prob Cole with Valefor's help and the advanced weaponry of my Storm Fighter from Leviathan, we'll demolish those scrap heaps!! Isn't that right Valefor?!"

"Yes, my master's future mate, my talons will rip clean through the discounted metal of the gruesome contraptions!!"

"Er…ya know if you want to call me Jay that's fine Valefor…"

"Let's go my future mate," Nya voices coyly over the line.


I see Valefor's colossal form and Jay's Storm Fighter take off for the museum.

I concentrate on my golden weapon and soon I'm riding my Blade Cycle down a building with the sais still in my sights.

*Dragon's roar*

And there's Nagendra…

"Kai, you're pursuing the sais right?" Cole questions me hastily.

"Yeah, I got em'!! Hopefully, they're heading for the final master!!"

"Alright, good luck bro and keep in touch the Serpentine are in that direction as well!!"

"Let's take it to em' everyone!!" Sasha yells intensely.

"NINJA-GO!!" We all shout as one and I land on the street and continue my pursuit of the Twin Sais of Oblivion.

What the hell happened back there, I think hotly.

The other Platinum Weapons didn't fly off on their own, so what made the sais act so bizarre.

Sensei Wu had brought the sais with him into the dining room saying he would like for us to take them along just in case since the winter's solstice had finally come. There we were all seated getting ready to chow down on Ayane's hamburger helper when the weapons suddenly sprung up and levitated for a bit then zoom off nearly cutting a few inches of my hair. We sat there for a second in stunned silence until Sensei snapped us out of our stupor and ordered us to give chase and that's when the alarm sounded.

Okay you crazy weapons where are you taking me…?

The familiar scent of smoke and flame enters my nose only it smells like charred hickory and heated brickwork.

Damn, this in the direction of the orphanage…

I grit my teeth and will my Blade Cycle to go faster.

The second part of Sasha's vision has come true. I was hoping we could somehow prevent this, but it seems fate has conspired against us.

I can see it now the flames have engulfed the entire building burning proudly despite the winter's attempt to extinguish it.


The sais, they've disappeared!!

I turn my head in multiple directions to try and locate them, but they're gone.

Screw it I'll have to look for them later right now the orphanage comes—


Several of them were standing in front of the orphanage with their weapons drawn staring intently in one direction.

Some lay on the snow-covered ground…unmoving…

Who could of…?

I shake my head to dispel my thoughts.

Bring it Serpentine let's see how you like my fire.

I rear up my Blade Cycle and balance on the back wheel, I then dispel my Spinjitsu vehicle and utilize the force of the velocity to jump high into the air.
The fire coursing through my veins stirs and ignites my adrenaline rush.

A fierce scream erupts from my throat as I push the inferno element within me outward and it emblazes my body and my Dragon Sword of Fire.


The mass of humanoid serpents look up with startled expressions and some even try to escape, but it's too late.

I position my flaming blade above my head in preparation for a downward overhead swing and let my own power and gravity handle the rest.

I land in the middle of the bunch and my sword penetrates easily through the snow and ice into the earth. The gathered conflagration spreads to the snakes and eats through their scales and bones with ravenous hunger.

They don't even have time to scream…

Their incinerated bodies are immortalized into fine works of art as ash representations of their final moments before polar gales scatter them into the abyss of the night sky.

My eyes narrow as I peer through the deceased remains of the fallen and tighten my hold on the Dragon Sword of Fire.

I knew the Serpentine were still here their furious hissing was a dead giveaway.


The cry of death was cut short and I quickly turn to see the body of a Venomari fall. An axe embedded deep inside the back of his skull and the handle of the weapon gripped tightly by a black fingerless-gloved hand…

My eyes trail from the executioner's hand to the sinewy muscles of a bronze emblazoned arm.

Dark silver tank top…

Pitch black skin-tight leather pants that left nothing to the imagination with numerous decorative silver belts and buckles wrapped around a slim waist…

Pure snow white hair fashioned in a long braid blew with wind behind her as she tried to pry the blade from the corpse of her enemy, but couldn't do it and let's go.

Her chest rises and falls slowly with each concentrated breath and she looks up to meet my eyes.

A long cascading fringe of stardust conceals her left eye, but within that right dark wine-colored eye contempt and loathing was easily detectable as she glared with such animosity…at me?

The Serpentine?

The entire situation?

Well, whatever the case I'd appreciate it if—


A constrictai charges at the girl from the right.

"Look out!!" I yell in warning and the ethereal beauty swiftly directs her attention to her would be assailant.

The attacking constrictai's yellow-slitted eyes unexpectedly widen in pure disbelief and he slows, takes a few more steps then falls face first into the snow right in front of the white-haired female.

The Twin Sais of Oblivion piercing through his back pulsating with a dark silver glow…

I blink in shock and mutter warily, "Those are some psychotic-ass weapons."

The girl's visible eye blinks in astonishment as well, but her hesitation is brief as she takes initiative and grasps the weapons in front of her.

As soon as she does dark wisps of black miasma seep from the weapons and swirl fondly around her.

Full tempting lips part in awe then shut quickly her expression set in stony stoicism.
She's…the Master of Darkness.

I hear the shuffle of feet and prepare myself for the remaining Serpentine's assault, but it doesn't come.

They were…backing away…retreating probably intimidated by me and the dark power surrounding the sais' new wielder.

"And what do you fear proud Serpentine!!"

I quickly whirl around to the source of the pompous voice…

"Fangtom…" I growl out with utter disdain and get into my battle stance.

The two-headed Serpentine general slithers towards me and flicks his forked-tongue out mockingly.

"You should not fear a pyromaniac and a young girl surrounded by shadows!! Look and behold," Fangtom shouts pointing at the burning orphanage behind me, "we have created our own hellfire that is only the stepping stone towards humanity's extinction!! Every human in this world will suffer the consequences for their unjust confinement of our kind and these ninja will be the first to die!!"

More adrenaline enters my blood stream and my sword ignites immediately.

"Now attack Serpentine!! For our future and to avenge the death of General Skalidor!!"

Renewed vim and vigor enters the chorus of rallied hisses thanks to the pep-talk from Fangtom and the Serpentine charge us with unbridled ferocity.

"BRING IT ON!!!" I roar to the reptiles in challenge as they near me and engage them head on.

I use my sword to block three spiked maces simultaneously from the front and ward off the attack by pushing them away. I then maneuver my body in a turn and execute a spinning roundhouse kick that connects with my three attackers' faces knocking them on their asses.

I snap my attention right just in time to evade a spear thrust and as it passes me I bring my sword down and slice it in half. I end the snake's life by following up with a stab to his chest the dark green of his blood staining my golden weapon.

As the Fangpyre crumples to the ground life-less, I turn around to check on the future Kunoichi of Darkness.

Her counter-based style was proving efficient against the aggressive Serpentine as she intercepted a Hynobrai's attack and countered with her sai with a stab through his windpipe.

Another Hynobrai tries to ambush her from behind and my body moves on impulse to protect her.

I quickly run him through with my sword and kick his now limp body from the blade to free it once more.

"Watch your six Shirayukihime," I advise with a smirk as her back connects with mine.

I can feel her stiffen in reproach, but pay it no mind and survey the battlefield.

Only Fangtom and a handful of Serpentine remain now.

The smirk remains on my face underneath my hood as I glare tauntingly at the Serpentine general.

The heads belonging to the red snake rolls their eyes in response and two long wickedly curved swords materialize in his hands.

"Time to bleed red ninja," he hisses out with his own smirk and starts to slither towards me.

"Listen Shirayukihime," I begin quietly, but loud enough so she can hear me, "we can take him on together and win, but you have to follow my le—"

I don't get to finish because Fangtom suddenly tunnels underground.

What the…is he retreating?

A startled gasp from my partner reaches my ears and her presence leaves my back as she is pulled under.

"DAMMIT!!" I shout and turn around to save her, but she's gone
The other Serpentine take the opportunity to attack while my back is turned.

Pssh, you idiots think you can get the drop on me?

I keep my back turned to them and as they attempt to strike, I perform a back flip and sail over my foes.

When I land I execute a single horizontal cross slash to their backs severing the ligaments to their spinal cords.

They twitch and fall through the hole Fangtom created, witnessing their demise I turn to face the last two Serpentine, but they turn tail and flee.

Good riddance…

I focus on the hole again and try to see into the dark tunnel.

"Show yourself Fangtom and you better not have harmed the girl!!" I shout threateningly down the hole.

Silence is the only answer I receive and my heart begins to pound with anxiety at the possibility that I may have lost the mysterious enchantress to Fangtom's clutches.

An eruption to my left alerts me and I turn abruptly to the sound.

"ARRGGHH!! YOU SAVAGE DEMONESS!!" Fangtom bellows in rage and throws the girl high up into the air.

I race over and jump up to catch her bridal-style before she hits the ground.

"We'll settle this another time ninja," Fangtom hisses lowly and I turn to see a deep gash marring the right of his face as he burrows into the ground once again only this time I know he's not coming back.

The girl in my arms begins to struggle vehemently against my hold, but I keep a firm grip of her.

"Hey, calm down Shirayukihime it's over the snakes are gone, you don't have to fight anymore," I try to reason with her, but she just continues to buck and growl.

I readjust my hand on her leg and she cries out in pain.

The aggressive little minx then thrusts the hilt of one of her sais in my chest and I drop her upon the painful impact.

I stumble back and stare at her in shock as she shakily climbs to her feet and pins me down with a scowl.

"Don't touch me."

The cold voice is oddly sexy in a way with each syllable of a word a breathless moan would accompany and add seductiveness a person should only hear in the bedroom.

I can't focus on that however as she turns around and starts to limp towards the burning orphanage.

"Wait a second where are you going?" I call after her and begin to jog towards her, "Are you crazy you can't go in there!?"

She doesn't reply, but she does change course and starts to make her way to the side of the building albeit slowly and painfully. Her left pant leg was ripped below the knee and her dark red blood flowed from a deep wound to her calf muscle.

I narrow my eyes at the injury and her stubbornness and increase my pace, so I could stop in front of her and block her path.

Her garnet-shaded iris turns deadly as her scowl deepens, but I don't care.

She fought valiantly against the Serpentine, so it goes to show how strong she is, however she needs to learn how to accept help especially when she obviously needs it.

I decide to tell this obstinate chick that.

"You need my—"

"I don't need you."

Her interruption and continued hostility towards me makes my blood boil and I lose my patience and my tact.

I open my mouth to yell obscenities that would put any pirate to shame when a different voice interrupts me.


I whirl around to see one of the nuns I met briefly with when we first discovered Starlight Orphanage over a month ago.

If I remember correctly her name was…

"Sister Ophelia? Thank goodness, is everyone else alright?"

Yeah, Sister Ophelia and…

Ebony? Is that this rude lady's name?

The newly dubbed Ebony limps out from behind me and slowly approaches Sister Ophelia.

Ebony, huh? I think as I see the nun embrace the injured pure white-haired female.

"I don't need you."

My rage comes back to life in remembrance of that one sentence spoken in that cold sexy voice with such finality it….ARRGGGHHH!!

"Kai come in!! Kai, are you there!! Pick up!!"

Cole's voice sounds from my PMS and I remove it from my belt, press the flashing black button, and press it to my ear.

"Yeah, I'm here," I state with a hint of grumpiness.

"Good you're alright, what's your situation? You're the only one who hasn't rendezvoused with us yet. The Serpentine has retreated from Twilight and we even managed to snag the last Fang Blade, so I'm happy to say things are starting to look up."

I take a breath and cast a glance at Ebony and Sister Ophelia as they continued to talk quietly amongst themselves.

"The sais led me to Starlight Orphanage in flames and the Serpentine roaming the place. Ebony and I dispatched all the hostiles, but Fangtom retreated along with a few others. Luckily, the inhabitants were able to get out in time," I continue to report while seeing multiple small children led by the other five nuns appear from the side of the building.

"Tell everyone to come here instead, so we can extinguish the fire and help with the wounded," I finish giving Ebony a side-long look.

"Alright, we're on our way. Who's Ebony by the way?" Cole asks perplexed.

"She's the last Elemental Master Cole, the Kunoichi of Darkness and tell Jay she won't need a PMS," my eyes remain on the irritable, but impressive young woman.

"She already has it."