Radiating Luck by veraukoion on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

veraukoion on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/veraukoion/art/Radiating-Luck-92194232veraukoion

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veraukoion's avatar

Published: Jul 19, 2008


After doing about an hour and a half of research, I've concluded that there are too many symbols for luck. This one was what I kept seeing attributed to the "luck" that I wanted to use, ie.- good luck, fortune, the kind that matches a shamrock, which happens to make an appearance in this pic.
The shamrock was not originally in the plans, but I decided to go ahead with it. This pic really combines two if my styles into one pic. Hope you all like.
More symbols are on the way, but will probably show up mid August as I am going on vacation in less than a week.
If there is a specific symbol you want, let me know, and I'll okk into making it.
Enjoy the pic :)

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2048x1536px 467.16 KB