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10 Condescending Christian Ploys Aimed At Atheists

Jun 21, 2020

#1‘I’m praying for you.’ In most cases this is the christian passive-aggressive equivalent of saying ‘screw you for having the audacity of rejecting my demands that you submit to my mythological delusions and doing so in a rational and public manner that I am utterly ill-equipped to argue against’. While in many other cases this is cover for what they are possibly really thinking which is revoltingly profane and very likely hostile to the point of barely restrained violence at someone in their presence daring to disagree with them on the ideology they’ve wrapped so very much of their psyche around that any questioning of it on their part is unthinkable as that could cause their entire self-image to collapse. While these zealous believers might near endlessly express their ‘unquestionable faith in the power of prayer’ they almost certainly understand in some dark recess of their mind that talking to themselves no matter how fervently the try to convince themselves of its efficacy it