SU - Apatite Reference by VeronaLuna on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

StevenUniverse © Rebecca Sugar
Apatite © me---------------------------------------------------------


*Name: Apatite

*Nickname: Api

*Place of Origin: Homeworld*Residence: Mobile, on the run around the Galaxy

*Status: single, alive

*Age: ~6200 yeard

*Sex: Sexless

*Gender pronounce: She/Her

- deceitful
- confident
- light-hearted----------------------------------*Gemstone: Teal Apatite*Gem type: Apatite*Gem placement: Lower Back


*Weapon: Hidden Blade
-can be put on either hands or legs
-colors: teal and graish-blue*Rank:

-Rebel Gems(current)
-Gem Homeworld(previous)----------------------------------*Skills:
-average Gem powers
-good knowledge of Homeworld technology
-good tactical skills*Ability - Illusions:
-uses Hallucinations to distract other
-can even turn invisible to others
-can select who should be affected
-if Apatite uses her abilities for too long(more than 1 hour, without taking a rest), she gets a headache*Stats:
-Strenght: Half StarNo StarNo StarNo StarNo Star
-Speed: Star!Star!No StarNo StarNo Star
Intelligence: Star!Star!Star!Star!No Star
-Technology: Star!Star!Star!Star!No Star


-Larimar - They didn't like each other ever since they have met on Homeworld. In the past, other Court members would see them often fight over even the least inportant of things. Apatite still thinks of Larimar as a prissy Noble, without whom Homeworld would be able to survive just fine and without any problems.
-Holly Blue Agate - Similar to Larimar, they didn't like each other. Apatite would sometimes disobey what Holly Blue wants her to do(she did that with nearly all the minor tasks), or even try to pull a prank on her without being later convicted of doing it.

-quite quick-witted
-she can be quite nonchalant towards other Gems
- she's a defective Gem
-can be poofed easier than normal Gems
-leader of her rebel group