.:Blue Morpho butterfly:. by Vertekins on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Vertekins's avatar

Published: Sep 18, 2006


Isn't it a pity that these magnificent creatures are killed in their thousands just for their beautiful wings to be used in jewelry?

The blue morpho is my favourite insect of all. Their wings shine iridescent blue and are so lovely to behold. I've only seen one in real life pinned under glass in the musuem but they're such beautiful creatures but i've heard that when they fly in the forest, they appear to flash like a strobe light because their metallic blue colored wings catch the light one split second and shine and the dull brown underside of their wings shows for a split second, giving the illusion of a flickering bright blue light.

I tried to emulate something of an iridescent effect in the little sprite.

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37x27px 1.13 KB