BMO Button Masher - Rainmeter by VileShade on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

VileShade on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

VileShade's avatar

Published: Apr 19, 2016


BMO Button Masher

Bringing you the little gaming device to your computer to make your button clicking shortcuts at least 10% maybe even 12% cuter

The pre-programed buttons:
The plus button opens steam
The game pad runs SCP server (I run a ps3 controller on my computer)
The triangle opens up a My Games folder
The purple button next to the floppy disc drive opens/runs the CD drive

To reprogram a button right click on him and "edit skin" then each button has its code labeled to make it easier to find and then you'll see lines like this: ["Randomtext"] change whatever you want the button to be by replacing or adding in the path/link in between the quotation marks

Its awesome. If I learn how to start built in applications with this I'm unstoppable. MUHOHAHAHAHAAA!!!