David8 by Vimes-DA on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
Vimes-DA on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/vimes-da/art/David8-308726487Vimes-DA
Deviation Actions
Published: Jun 16, 2012
pretty happy to leave it here now I think, might neaten the ear up a bit but not much more.
Michael Fassbender (David) in Prometheus. Painting this now and found out my mistakes pretty quickly. Main thing was one eye was too small and too far apart. Seeing as I used the distance between the eyes fora lot of my measurements it threw the whole portrait off, so chopped it and move it around a lot at the moment.
Image size
2496x2818px 1.93 MB
This has a much better likeness! Brilliant, you've done great.