Theos environments 18 by VulnePro on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Here's another collection of Indus architectural environments. This time we have two well lit Indus cityscapes in the political bloc (bloc refers to the more dimensional 360 degree nature of borders on Indus, or inside Indus to be more accurate) of Jaämas, and the entryway to a bar.

In locations such as these you'll find the largest concentrations of populated settlements. These places are typically safer to move about in the open, and live in, due to functioning infrastructures, lighting, utilities, water, etc. This isn't to say there aren't isolated pockets of Indus that are safe and functional but it's typically safer in the more populated areas.

These were, once again, rough illos that I used to explore my approach to the actual production art that will follow. I kinda had more fun with the city shots, that I had planned, so they ended up a lot more finished and detailed. Lots o signs, lot and lots o signs.

The little shot of the entrance to some dive bar, you may note, has a few signs about indenturement betting. This is referring to sendai that are indentured to human owners as working slaves. Often these indentured sendai participate in gambling reductions to the number of years in their indenturement contracts on the FOILs in the Polemon campaign. FOILs (the faedai componant) are huge idols to many sendai so often you'll find them betting on their favorite FOIL crews to knock of years in their indenturement contracts with human owners.

I'll be posting higher resolution crops of the city shots on the blog or tumblr later.

Pencil illos gray scaled in CS3

More to come...