Changed: Colin White Female Transfur by Vulpr on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Vulpr on DeviantArt

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Vulpr's avatar

Published: Sep 28, 2023

8.3K Views1 Collected Privately


Colin transfurred into the female white latex

Image size

1625x1654px 1.38 MB

Justarandom-user's avatar

Hey, I realize that this looks a lot like a friend of mine's art (which had different colors and design and a few other characters in it) which was made a month before this. I was made aware of this by another friend of mine who found this out too. I'd like to ask where you got the body shape and pose from? Unless this was posted elsewhere a while before being posted here, trying to investigate something

If it's a base, then could you tell me which one? or link it?