Planet Mare Nostrum by Vumpalouska on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Mare Nostrum, located in the Astral Twins System, is the nominal capital world of the Objectivist Arc, one of the five major star nations of the Human Space. Although the six star system that comprise the Arc are self-governed, they all share the same unflinching commitment to individual and economic freedom with minimal state intervention. They also have a common military - headquartered in the Voidwatcher Station orbiting Mare Nostrum - and a full free trade agreement to ensure that nothing can hinder the economic interests of the powerful megacorporations that control the Arc.

As a planet, Mare Nostrum is a panthalassic terrestrial world covered almost entirely by a deep water ocean. It has a diameter of 11,650 kilometers and a surface gravity of 0.93 g. The global ocean has an average depth of 6.5 kilometers and a maximum depth of 25.7 kilometers. At the extreme pressures found in the deepest ocean trenches, exotic forms of crystalline ice can form. Less than 1% of the surface area of Mare Nostrum is dry land, consisting of a few volcanic island chains near the equator. The atmosphere is breathable, and even Baseline Humans can live on the planet without extra protection. The global ocean is teeming with life, from simple kelp analogues to immense "living islands", which are some of the largest colony organisms ever encountered. A few animal analogues display higher than average intelligence and even simple tool use, but overall none of the local species can be considered sapient. A common characteristic shown by both plant and animal analogues is bioluminescence: the trait is so prevalent that during clear dark nights, faintly glowing areas tens of thousands of square kilometers across can be observed even from orbit. Mare Nostrum has one natural satellite, Coventina, which is approximately 2,500 kilometers in diameter.

The crust of the planet is incredibly rich in resources, although getting to them can be tricky. Many local corporations have established sprawling underwater mining facilities on the ocean floor, made possible only by superstrong artificial building materials further strengthened by cohesion amplifiers. Although the ecosystem of Mare Nostrum is extraordinarily robust, centuries of mining are beginning to take their toll on the local flora and fauna.

Mare Nostrum was settled in 2804 by colonists from the Sol System. Because land area is scarce, most local Humans live in the planet's famous Floating Arcologies, immense oceangoing cityships that can have populations in the hundreds of thousands. However, the capital city of the planet, Meredith, is located on one of the few natural islands. According to the latest census, the total population of Mare Nostrum is approximately 850 million.