Liron by warlordvir on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Weight: 960 lbs

Age: (shown) 23 years (dies at) 155 years
Race: Demon/ Servitis Sergal Halfblood
Thermoregulation: Gigantothermy
Gender: Male
Sexual: Straight and True Monogamous
Skill: Singing (really good at), Dancing, Security, Babysitting, Cooking, Cleaning, Hand-to-Hand combat, Close Quarter Combat, and Intimidation.
Personality: Gentle, Kind, Patient, Serious, Loyal, and Family man
Likes: FOOD!, Singing, Children, his pet named Shamira (Dracosaur)and Animals.
Dislike: Bullies especailly those who pick on any one of his family or friends, being cold, being lonely, being treated like monster and being feared by kids.
Fear: freezing, having no family, being alone, being unloved, being unable to protect the one he loves.
Abilities: Demon Class (0)- Size and Super-strength
Weakness: Freezing Cold and Small Spaces
Occupation: Singer/Bounce (One of the few are actually both as while he performing he will pacficy any trouble), past- Construction worker, Bouncer, and Bodyguard.
Wife: Full-blooded White Dragon Demon and work as Singing Manager currently Liron's. She has a long slender elegant body and is just as tall as Liron but built more like chinese dragon (where Liron is more European dragon/Godzilla). She met him while checking the bar circiut and fall in love with his singing. Then was shocked to find out he was the just bouncer and not singer, but she understand why with people judging mainly on his appearance. She worked with him to get jobs tailor to his abilities mainly singing in bars known for having trouble inside the bar. They ended falling love with each other as they got to know each other. They end up with four children named - Terra, Shui, Aliprand, and Hayate
Mother and Father: Adore both of them. Often helps out by taking of the babies and kids when needed even meaning to sacrifice a job to do so. His parent help him by letting live and eat at their home (which is very good as most housing is not built for him and he can rarely afford enough to always eat as much as he does. Also have the space and food for his pet too.). Both of his parent often encourage his singing and have him sing songs at family gatherings and holidays. However his mother is a bit overprotective as he was the smallest born of her children and took the longest to physically mature. Still he grew much more than any of this siblings and is the largest of whole family.
Siblings: Expect his older siblings, he has helped raised all his siblings and love everyone of them. He also very protective of them as well very caring to them. He loves all his siblings and even help raise their kids too. However he does not always see eye to eye (figuratively) with all of his siblings Leowin the least due the use of violence and their parents keep on producing more sibling, but he get along with best are Cecilia and Sadb as they relate to each other the best.
Pet: A female dracosaur named Titania, and very faithfully pet. Much like its owner, it is a gentle giant but a truly ferocious guard animal. Liron is one of a few person to be able truly handle as she can overexcited and forget her strength. Found on family vacation after his father capture poachers whom killed the mother dracosaur and much of the nest. Titania's egg was the only egg to survive and hatch. Titania hatch and ended up imprinting on Liron. Due to this, his family was ultimately given a permit to keep Titania. Titania and Liron grew up together at a silimar rate. Titania is still Liron's beloved childhood pet.