Yomi Sama by Washu-M on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Published: May 11, 2004


Yomi é meu personagem de anime favorito!
ele é de YU YU HAKUSHO! um dos reis do Makai!
um dos mais poderosos! ^_^
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Yomi is one of my favourits anime character!
he's from YU YU HAKUSHO! one of the Makai King!
a very powerfull one!^_^

Image size

688x766px 113.91 KB

Sailor-Touko667's avatar

His dub voice was really great! And this is a summary of him when he finds out who hired someone to kill him:
demon- it was Yoko Kurama. (gets killed)
Yomi- eh, I suspected it... but I deserved it.