Infinite Man Ref Sheet! by wayward-pilgrim on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

wayward-pilgrim's avatar

Published: Jun 23, 2015


:iconseconddraftoct: :^DDD

[ Infinite Man / Ali Sharaf ]Theoretically all-powerful, functionally useless superhero

Age: 32

Height: 5'2"
Blood Type: O+
Likes: Cooking, 80s metal rock, JUSTICE, peaceful resolutions, gardening, positive attention

Dislike: Dying, for starters. Also, unseasoned food, conflict, letting people down, and people who are hard to read. (he's very intuitive but sometimes too trusting.)

Abilities / Background:

Ali comes from the jumbled city of Infinity, a place only accessible through cracks in reality and glitches in the system. This expansive retro-future purgatory is home to lost folks from all corners of the universe, whether they came intentionally with the allure of success or whether they simply wandered in through some unfortunate area of thin fabric. Ali has been resident to Infinity for as long as he can remember, and the physics of the place have "granted" him with all the reality-bending, silver-age-comics deus-ex-machina powers he could ever want. Problem is... nobody. Should have that kind of ability. Infinite Superhero or not. His abilities create glitches in themselves, and not a day of superhero work goes by without Infinity nearly undoing itself as Ali tries to save the day. And the only way to stop something that infectious is to get rid of the source. Basically, he dies. A lot. He can usually only solve problems in "creative" ways--direct combat doesn't work very well for him. That's alright, though. Infinite Man is a pacifist at heart and would prefer to talk things out, anyway.


Ali is an open book to most everyone. He's always looking on the bright side of a situation (even when the situation is his own grim dismemberment...) and would rather stay hopeful than drown in pessimism! He cares deeply for almost everyone he meet, which doesn't... Always work out for him. He is usually willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of others. Risky, impulsive, and very low sense of self-care; Infinite Man would jump in front of a bullet to save his enemy with. Well. Very little hesitation. However, he does get worn down very easily. Trickles of self-doubt and fear from years of being killed worm their way into most of his every day thoughts. There's usually a mild disconnect between how he handles himself (with a puffed chest and an idyllic vision of "heroism", outstretching a helping hand to anyone who would need it) and how he reacts to situations internally (almost animalistic, very fight-or-flight. He goes against these instincts to protect himself constantly.) Doesn't give up easily on the outside, but is in a constant state of wanting to run away or actually hurt people. He never brings himself to do it, though... Additionally, as of late he seems to have found some sort of small comfort in the bottom of a beer can. (but no one knows about that! Shh!! He's a role model!!!)




~Common Quotes~

AAHHH WHEW... I THINK... Thats it?!?! oh y god @__>@

There's some additional tidbits nd stuff in my tag fr him bt a lot of it is probably outdated?? ohmigod I'm rly excited tho... If you have any questions, feel free t ask!! :^DDD

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