New Family by Werfafa on DeviantArt (original) (raw)


Wholesome rp-scene with my boy Tiger and his apparently now adoptive father Hawk (OkamiSA-l).

I first only wanted to do a really sketchy thing for this but than it looked too cute and actually better than I thought it would so I decided to make a complete drawing out of it after all. Because of that though please ignore some of the wrong anatomy 'xD


Little summary of what happened(aka. copy-paste of some of the rp):

- OkamiSA-l -

"Your family cares for your safety, but they also should care about what you want, I'm glad mine did" He smiled, a little sad this time but still smiled.

- Werfafa -
Hawks family sounded so nice, he wished he could meet them one day! Maybe he'll see them on a patrol he was on someday. His ears and head dropped a little at Hawk's last statement. Remembering how his parents had been disappointed just a few days ago about him not getting into a fight. Not getting injured or getting any scars. But he knew they cared anyways ... his mother had said so. They just wanted the best for him. "Yeah ... my family cares really much." he said, the sentence coming more out as a murmur "They want the best for me ..."

They really only wanted the best for him and they were adults so of course they would know better than himself what actually was better. He just, had to grow into it. Maybe he will go out of his first fight and somehow it will change how he views the battle training at the moment. Maybe after he actually got his first scar he would see that being a Claw Guard was the right way. Maybe that's why getting their first scar was so important for Claw Guards? He hadn't noticed how quiet he had gotten again all of a sudden.

- OkamiSA-l -
He watched the To-Be go quiet for a while, and his face turned to one of worry, had he said something bad? Oh Moon, he hopped he didn't said anything bad or uncomfortable.

His ears lowered slightly "You can always ask a Prey Hunter to teach you some hunting moves! Or take you in one of their patrols!" He tried lighting up the mood "And, I know it's not my place to but in, but what do you want to do Tiger?" He asked, calmly.

- Werfafa -
He jolted out of his head again, looking up at the Claw Guard. Oh no! Had he been this obvious? Tiger had felt so at ease in Hawks presence that he must have forgotten to hide away his inner turmoil. What to do? Could he still save it somehow?

"O-oh eh ... I want to be a Claw Guard of course! Who would want to be a Prey Hunter if they can be a Claw Guard anyways ... r-right?" he said, the last part was more of a repetition of something his parents had said in a conversation once. He just hoped it was convincing enough while he looked nervously at Hawk, his whole body having tensed up again.

- OkamiSA-l -
He frowned, not in annoyance or anger, worried for the To-Be most of anything, for the stuttering in his words, that wasn't normal, the feeling in his gut whith the words, he couldn't help but dread.

"...Rock could have been a Claw Guard" He began "He's not that good with fighting, he dreads having to fight, but if there wasn't anything else he would've been a Claw Guard, just like I could've become a Prey Hunter or a Healer, but I wouldn't be happy would I?" He tilted his head, smiling calmly at the younger cat "And I'm sure Rock wouldn't be happier either, but that doesn't make him less of a cat, less brave or strong, we are all helping the Tribe in different ways and in the best way possible" He got up, walking to the To-Be and putting his tail on his shoulders to comfort him "And no one knows what your best way of helping is, other than yourself" He finished, he was still smiling.

"So I ask again, what do you want to do? Today, tomorrow, what do you wish to do, we can do it! Anything you want!"

- Werfafa -

He couldn't look the other in the eyes, finding his paws which were kneading the ground again much more interesting at the moment. Why did he always had to get so nervous all the time, now he really had screwed it up. There was no way Hawk wouldn't tell his parents now. Even if he didn't wanted to admit it, but the tail around his shoulders felt at least a little bit comforting. What he said made so much sense, but it was so much more different than what his parents and their friends always said. But Hawk was an adult too, so he had to know the right way as well. Why was it so different then?

Anything he wanted? He gulped down the frog in his throat before his conflicted gaze wandered up to Hawks face again. The tom always smiled, he was so happy. He didn't looked at all like all the others when talking about the Prey Hunters. Maybe ... he could ... "I- " his voice came more out as a hoarse croak, so he cleared his throat to start again "I don't want to fight." He said it so quietly that even Hawk right next to him would probably have a hard time even understanding what Tiger had said. The To-Be's eyes were very quickly back on his paws again.

- OkamiSA-l -
He could barely catch the whisper, it would be lost to the wind if he hadn't, and slowly nodded, satisfied with the answer the To-Be gave, he was glad for what his parents taught him, for never pushing him or Rock to be something neither of them wanted to be, he couldn't imagine what the young tom was told to be scared of not speaking his mind, but he remained calm, for the other, right now he was sure Tiger needed a shoulder to lean to.

"Then we we won't" He said, calmly and encouraging to the young cat "We won't and you don't have to do it ever if you don't want to or think there is another choice, not if you don't want to, you can be a Healer or a Prey Hunter and those who really care about you will be there, every step you take" He lowered his head, to speak to the other more eye-to-eye "I can tell Salmon if you don't want to, or I won't tell anyone unless you are ready, just know you aren't less of a cat for not wanting to fight, you are braver than most just for telling me and speaking your mind"

- Werfafa -
His fur bristled a little when Hawk spoke about telling Salmon about it. If Salmon knew his parents would too in only a few seconds, he was sure of that. Though, it got flat again rather quickly when the Claw Guard continued with the sentence. "So ... you won't tell it my parents?" he asked, looking at Hawk again with hopeful eyes.

That would be too good to be true. He could go to Hawk every ... or most times he wanted to train, so he wouldn't have to fight in training if he didn't wanted to. And that without his parents ever noticing. And maybe ... maybe Hawk's brother would take him to a Prey Hunter training once. Not that he would become a Prey Hunter of course ... just to look into it. Just once. Would he really be brave if he did so?

- OkamiSA-l -
He shook his head quickly, a little surprise for that, it wasn't his choice to tell Tiger's parents, and it made him wonder why the To-Be was so scared of them finding, but he wouldn't say anything "No! No I won't, Tiger they won't know unless you want them to know, I promise you that"

"It is not my place to tell them, you will tell them when you feel ready" He smiled, kindly at the other "Would you like to eat? You can have a prey all to yourself, if they ask I can say we shared it, I can accompany you while you eat too, we don't have to talk, or I don't do that and I can leave you alone if you need space!" He nodded again, smiling and closing his eyes as he tilted his head "Sounds good?"

- Werfafa -
Tigers ears perked up again at that, a small smile appearing on his face at the end. He rubbed with one paw over his eyes before he nodded slowly and said "Yes, sounds good. I would like to eat with you."

It felt like a heavy weight was lifted a bit off of his shoulders and he now was glad that he hadn't payed that much attention on keeping up the image of the proud Claw Guard To-Be. It had felt good to tell the other what was on his mind and not be yelled at. "Thank you Hawk." he said, his voice getting a bit stronger again. Sounding again like it normally did.
