MERLIN by whimsycatcher on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Hey, Happy New Year! And I only just remembered that it is also Colin Morgan's birthday (yay, Happy Birthday!) so what a fantastic coincidence that I'm ready to post this piece today! XD I just wanted to draw/paint his face... yet again... but I'll admit I got carried away over the holiday, what with all this blessed free time.

So have some scales (which are a bit more suited for an oriental dragon, but, meh...) and a coin pendant (it reads KING ARTHUR - ALBION, if it's hard to make out). If you're familiar with the show, you might recognize my attempts at symbolism, haha. Anyway, these elements were new to try for me, so definitely not perfect, but it all was fun and challenging all the same.

Oh, hope things don't look too dark and contrasted on your screen, I've noticed quite a difference between my laptop and other monitor, bah... D:

I suppose this could also be a commemorative piece for the end of Merlin's 4th season... ah, so horrible that we have to wait until the Fall for the next one... Well, at least Sherlock's second season starts today! Another lovely coincidence, eh?

~ ~ ~

I used PHOTOSHOP CS5 (This image is all rendered from scratch, except for the coin, which involved a bit of photo-manipulation.)

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I would really appreciate any thoughts and/or constructive criticism, thank you for looking! ^__^