Hey, Sugarcube by WhiteDiamondsLtd on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

WhiteDiamondsLtd's avatar

Published: Oct 1, 2013


And the last, but certainly not the least of my older artworks left to be uploaded here to deviantART. And just in time as well! October 1st this year has been designated as Applejack Appreciation Day, and while I personally feel that it is a terrible shame that such a day is even needed to get people to come together and show Applejack the love and appreciation she deserves, that doesn't mean I would miss participating for anything, either. So here she is, and while I do apologize that I was unable to get anything entirely new finished for the occasion there should be more work featuring fabulous orange farmponies coming in the very near future.

Dearest darling Applejack, how on earth do you manage to be so ridiculously cute? There is no doubt in my mind at least that you will always be Best Pony. :heart:

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800x1000px 634.69 KB