Candy Colors by WhiteLiolynx on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Hey there, everyone :dummy:

Quick Status Update: I need to apologize, I've been completely inactive the last weeks/months. There's alot I need to reply to, sorry, for letting you wait!
I still planned some stuff this year, so hopefully there will be some activity from me very soon :)

Sooo this was rather spontaneous little project :D
I was working on some drawings of Vanessa7202's Fursona (for this B-day MEP, which is really cute btw. :)) when I got the idea to make a 3D model of it and just couldn't let go of the idea then ;P
Actually I wasn't going to experiment with the hair particle system just yet, because I wanted to keep it simple...BUT I COULDN'T RESIST, I NEEDED SOME FLUFF!! XD
There are a few things I could have done better. Like the shape keys for the eyelids and the eyelashes and stuff.
But I gotta say, overall I'm pretty happy with the result, harrharr :la:

Oh, btw. since I got this question a lot: I do all my 3D works in Blender, which is freeware! You can find it here!
They released a very updated version (v2.80) not long ago. I like it a lot :love:

Edit: I updated the file and added a small transition. I think it's easier on the eyes ~
Edit2: You can watch a higher resolution version here:…

Wish you a nice day/good night :heart: