Pokemon OC- Rival Aloise by WhiteTiger014 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Name: Aloise
Hometown: Celadon City
Region: Kanto
Pokémon: Ivysaur, Eevee, Slowking, Growlithe, Pikachu, Dragonair, Togetic, Skitty

Aloise is very kindhearted and loves her pokemon very much. She is always willing to go the extra mile for her friends and pokemon, making sure they're safe. Aloise is an adequate battler, but lacks a real passion for it, enjoying just traveling more than battling. She tends to use defensive or status moves to keep the damage to her pokemon to a minimum, which can make her a tricky opponent to battle. Aloise is very interested in learning everything she can about the myths surrounding legendary pokemon. Rose and her tend to catch a lot of the same kinds of Pokemon.

Aloise received Bulbasaur as her starter pokemon from Professor Oak to begin her journey. She was part of the set of trainers that started their journey after Ash, Gary, Colt, and Katerina. Aloise keeps the pokemon not in her party with her parents in Celadon City.

Aloise is a Rival of Rose's in Kanto and Johto. They met at the Indigo Plateau during the Pokemon League and quickly became friends. They faced each other in a 6v6 match in the 6th round of the Indigo Conference, where Jay beat Aloise after a hard fought battle.

Aloise was traveling around challenging the Orange Crew when she would occasionally meet up with Rose and the gang. She was able to earn all 4 badges, but did not beat the Supreme Gym Leader, Drake.

After the Orange League, Aloise traveled through Johto, earning badges to compete in the Johto League Silver Conference. Aloise ran into Rose on the Whirl Islands and helped save Silver and Lugia from Team Rocket. After Rose headed to Olivine City, Aloise stayed behind with Ritchie and Oliver, wanting to explore the island for more mysterious Pokemon. During the Silver Conference, Aloise reached the top 8, once again losing to Rose in a 6v6 battle.

After the Johto League, Aloise continued traveling, but took a step back from the Leagues and focused more on the traveling aspect of her journey. She met with Ritchie again at Professors Oak's lab when the Professor was kidnapped by Team Rocket on Seafoam Island.


♂: Aloise's Ivysaur is very shy and has been since it was a Bulbasaur. It is very close to Aloise and will put its timidness aside to protect her. It enjoys spending time in Aloise's parents garden.

Move Set: Sweet Scent, Tackle, Vine whip, Razor leaf, Sleep powder // Solarbeam

*Bulbasaur evolved into Ivysaur sometime between Aloise's 3th and 4th badge in Johto.


♀: Eevee's personality is very similar to Aloise's as Eevee is her No. 1 partner and they spend so much time together. Aloise met Eevee shortly after starting her journey in the Viridian Forest, finding it being attacked by a flock of Spearow. She calmed the Spearow with her Bulbasaur and treated it's injuries best she could before rushing to the Pokemon Center. This was the start of their strong bond. After meeting Rose at the Indigo League, Eevee started spending time out of its pokeball, often riding on Aloise's shoulder.

Move Set: Sand attack, Agility, Swift, Quick attack, Protect, Iron tail, Shadow ball

*Eevee is happy being an Eevee for now and does not seem interested in evolving.


♂: Slowking is a rather laid back pokemon. It likes to lounge around eating berries and napping. But don't let this fool you, it is an extremely powerful battler and has a completely different demeanor when in battle.

Move Set: Water gun, Body slam, Confusion, Ice beam // Protect, Future sight

*Slowpoke evolved into Slowking between Aloise's 5th and 6th Johto badge. Aloise was given a King's Rock by a fisherman in exchange for a Seaking that her Slowpoke caught while her and her pokemon were relaxing by a lake. Aloise gave the King's Rock to Slowpoke since it was the one who caught the pokemon the fisherman wanted, only for a Shellder to promptly latch on to Slowpoke's head and cause it to evolve into Slowking.


♂: Growlithe is an extremely loyal pokemon and tends to be a peacekeeper among Aloise's pokemon. It will get between two pokemon to break up a fight, using force if necessary. Growlithe is extremely dependable and can always be counted on to come through for Aloise. Several times, Aloise uses Glowlithe's keen sense of smell to help locate lost pokemon or items.
Move Set: Double team, Flamethrower, Take down, Dig, Flame wheel, Hidden Power

*Growlithe has not evolved yet, though it is ready to if Aloise ever acquires a Fire Stone.


♀: Pikachu is a very speedy pokemon who enjoys the heat of battle. It is always the first one to step up to protect the other pokemon and would rather face a problem head on that run away.

Move Set: Agility, Thunderbolt, Quick attack, Flash, Zap Cannon

*Pikachu is content as is, but is excited to one day become a Raichu.


♀: Dragonair has a sassy streak. It is very picky with who it allows to touch it and acts a bit stuck up when having to battle weaker pokemon. It is a strong battler but does not like that battles cause its scales to become dirty. Even as a Dratini, it did not like to get dirty, and liked to take a swim to get clean again.

Move Set: Light Screen, Wrap, Thunderbolt, Dragon rage // Twister, Iron tail

*Dratini evolved into Dragonair between Aloise's 4th and 5th Johto gym badge.


♀: Togetic is a very gentle pokemon. It often tries to take care of other pokemon, giving them berries and sharing its food with them. It does not like conflict and will help Growlithe calm conflict by spreading its "joy dust". Even as a Togepi, Togetic has always been a very happy pokemon, it tends to hide from mean and evil-hearted people.

Move Set: Metronome, Safeguard, Headbutt, Swift // Steel Wing

*Togepi evolved into Togetic after Aloise earned her 2nd gym badge in Johto.


♂: Aloise caught Skitty on a brief visit to Hoenn. Eevee is the one that found Skitty, exhausted and laying in a bush while they took a break by a pond. Eevee got Aloise's attention and they gave Skitty a sitrus berry to help replenish its strength. Once Skitty was feeling stronger, Aloise asked for a battle and used Eevee to battle and catch Skitty.

Move Set: Assist, Sing, Ice beam, Water pulse

*Skitty has not evolved.

Indigo League Conference- Top 8 Orange League- 4 Badges Silver Conference- Top 8