Qilin by who-stole-MY-name on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

yes, another qilin, they're my favourite mythical creature.
For those of you who are not too familiar with the beast:

A sacred animal of chinese/japanese myths.
Their appearance, size and powers vary from myth to myth but some things remain the same: scales, hoofs and antlers.

I decided to go for the Chinese type, the Japanese is a little smaller and more delicate.

A large-sized, immortal ungulate, some call it a unicorn, others think it's some other type of creature.

A creature of great wisdom, represents the element of earth, the position center and the color yellow.
It is a peacefull creature that respects all living things, it walks with great care to avoid stepping on insects or other small creatures, it's step is so light it can walk on grass without bending the blades and can run on water.

It can live for a thousand years, living only on the fruit that falls from trees, it won't tear the fruit or leaves of live plants.

Qilins may be peaceful and kind creatures, but they're allso very powerfull... they can tell right from wrong and they will punish the wicked and defend the innocent.
They can recognice just leaders and can only be seen during times of peace, only by those who have an important positive role in history.

So there you have it, the magnificent Qilin :)
I tried to avoid making it look equine, and used elks, yaks, antelopes and dragons as guidelines.

si, otro qilin, son mi criatura mistica favorita.
Para los que no los conocen:

Es una bestia sagrada de la mitología China y Japonesa.
Su apariencia varia de mito en mito pero algunas cosas son constantes, como las escamas, las astas y las pezuñas.

decidi dibujar a la variedad China, la Japonesa es mas pequeña y mas delicada.

Un ungulado inmortal y de tamaño grande, algunos lo consideran un tipo de unicornio, otros creen que es un tipo de animal diferente.

Un ser de gran sabiduria, representan el elemento tierra, la posicion centro y el color amarillo.
Es un animal pacifico que respeta a todos los seres vivos, camina con mucho cuidado para no pisar a ningun animal pequeño, es de pies tan ligeros que cuando camina por el pasto no dobla las hojas y puede correr en el agua.

Puede vivir mil años viviendo solo de la fruta que cae de los arboles, no arranca ni hojas ni frutas de plantas que aun estan vivas.

Los Qilins son seres pacificos y bondadosos pero tambien son muy poderosos... pueden diferenciar el bien del mal y castigan a los malvados en defensa de los inocentes.
Tienen la habilidad de reconocer a un lider justo y solo se deja ver en tiempos de paz por personas que van a cambiar la historia.

Alli lo tienen, el magnifico Qilin :)
No queria que se viera equino, asi que use elks (wapiti), yaks, atilopes y dragones como modelo.

Qilin © chinese myths
this drawing© me
:police: don't steal!