Portrait of a Young Lady by Wildweasel339 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Wildweasel339 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wildweasel339/art/Portrait-of-a-Young-Lady-928750558Wildweasel339

Deviation Actions

Wildweasel339's avatar

Published: Sep 8, 2022

15.5K Views1 Collected Privately

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Painted in photoshop with brushes I'm currently developing. Will release a huge pack soon.

Image size

2305x4000px 2.05 MB

misteesoy6979's avatar

I love all of your “art pieces”. I think that you are “very talented”, and I wish I could paint like you. Thank you for sharing your “artwork” on “DeviantART”. Please keep creating more “artwork”, and adding them all to your “DeviantART” account. I hope that you have a “blessed day”, and a “blessed life”. God bless you, and all of your loved ones’.