Nonny (First Drawing Ever) by WillM3luvTrains on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Today I made my first ever drawing of Nonny from the "Buh buh Bubble Guppy Guppy Guppies!" That's right, Nonny from the Bubble Guppies, also known to me as "Nonny Car Isle-Livingston" (I'll explain the added name later).

For the last few months, well further back than that, I've been planning to make Bubble Guppy artwork, and around the time I considered making artwork of Calliou back in February, I planned to do just so, starting with Nonny. And once again, I tried to keep it close to the real style of Bubble Guppies as seen on TV and the C.G.I. version. To draw Nonny, I started with his right ear and went downward making his neck and going all the way to his other ear. I was going to start with the his goggles but I decided to start with his ear instead. And the biggest challenge was of course his ginger hair, which isn't ginger in this picture but will be in the next picture I submit. And admittedly, this is not my best effort.

I also decided to keep Nonny as his true emotional self, a not-smile on his face. More on that later. And yes I added a fifth finger to each of his hands. I know the Bubble Guppies only have four fingers but I'm giving them five fingers and I'll be doing this with many four-fingered cartoon characters.

Believe it or not, Nonny is my most favorite of all the Bubble Guppies, which is the reason why I started with him. If he's not my most favorite, I don't know who is.

I started watching the Bubble Guppies back in July 2011 and eventually Nonny caught my attention. And I know I'm not the first or only one. I noticed that unlike the other Bubble Guppies, he didn't have a smile on his face, at least not always. I'm not sure I wondered why he didn't. And I later learned he not only almost never smiled but was also the "cautious one." I also might have read that he was the worried one. If that's the case, I don't blame him for it, because I've been a worrier myself and I have a tendency to worry. I've even been told I worry too much, and I guess I do. Admittedly I'm not as cautious as Nonny.

I even imagined him suffering from depression. I'm not sure he does but that's what I imagined. And if he does, I feel for him, I know what depression is like. I wonder if he has anxiety too. In fact I used to imagine myself looking at Nonny's face and then crying. One time my mother saw me crying and that made her cry, and sometimes when she, or some other people, cries it makes me cry too. I didn't used to be this way but I am now.

He has been said to have a boring personality. I do too. I even said so in my first journal entry and on my profile. You may not think I'm boring, but I am, and later some of you may start to think that way about me. He's also been said to be "anti-social," which the correct term is "asocial," unless Nonny has a dark secret scheme he's hiding, or is a terrorist inside and planning to wreak havoc on society and destroy property, then he would definitely be anti-social. In fact since he's the smart one, he can probably tell you the difference between anti-socialism and asocialism, probably better than I can. Well, this is once source that says he's "anti-social,"

Nonny has also been said to have autism, but is that really true?

The thing is, Nonny does seem to be stand-offish unlike his five other counterparts, and it is commented in the link I just left and I've noticed it too, when we go into the school, Nonny is almost always sitting way in the back while his friends, whom we haven't seen already before we enter the school, are greeting us the audience, not saying hello, but waving it quietly. I'm referring to right before he and his friends say "Good Morning Mr. Grouper." There are some exceptions, sometimes he's the centered character like he was in the episodes "Ducks in a Row," and "Boy Meets Squirrel," to name a couple episodes. There is one episode he actually did say hi to his audience after we enter the school. If I remember right, that was in the episode "The Sizzling Scampinis."

And he seems to be isolated from the other guppies and doing his thing. Ehh, I do the same thing too, sometimes. And it's possible he likes to draw. And so do I as do a lot of you who use this website.

Me and Nonny (I know it's "Nonny and I") have several things common and may have some things in common I'm unaware of. We both like to draw, we're stand-offish, we're shy, at least I am, we're cautious, but I'm less cautious, we have boring personalities, and we're asocial. And if Nonny has autism, then we do have that in common too. So much of what's described about Nonny describes me too. There was also a time, but only for a short time, I had red hair, only my hair was strawberry red (I got my inspiration from Eurythmic's Annie Lennox in her music video to her song "Sweet Dreams are Made of This." And that really grabbed my attention because I don't normally see hair that color, although I now know it was orange, as is Nonny's, so my hair was probably redder than hers!) But I don't have red hair anymore and I don't need it, I'm happy with my hair (I'm not telling you what color it is now but it's back to it's natural self.)

Now about Nonny's last name, that is not his real last name. In fact, I don't know any of the Bubble Guppies' last names, so for fun, I made them up. And Nonny's last name is Car Isle-Livingston to me. I came up with the name some two years ago if not later. I thought up last names for the Bubble Guppies and for Nonny, at first I was going to have him named "Nonny Car Isle," although I don't know if I was naming him after singer Belinda Car Isle or New Car Isle, Indiana, my home-state but I'm from Gary, or some other Car Isle. Then not much later, I decided to rename him "Nonny Livingston." There are two Livingstons I know of, Stanley Livingston from that old 60s cartoon "Tennessee Tuxedo," (also one of the cartoons associated with Underdog, one of my other favorite cartoons,) and there's a street in Columbus Ohio named "Livingston Street," or "Livingston Avenue" or Drive or whatever. Speaking of Stanley Livinston, I never really liked him because of his meanness, although now I kind of understand why he's the way he is.

And I think I gave him and the other Bubble Guppies last names for this reason, these last names: De'Ville and Finster. Finster is the last name of the Rugrats' Chuckie Finster, and also the last name of Ms. Merrile P. Finster from "Recess" (one of my former favorite cartoons, I don't watch it anymore by choice) and De'Ville, that's the last name of Phil and Lil and also I think the last name of Cruella DeiVille. Yep, some cartoon characters have the same last names of other cartoon characters in other cartoons, so this might be the reason why I gave Nonny the last name "Livingston," because of Stanley Livingston, who seems smart too but is very mean, unlike Nonny. And Chuckie isn't anything like Ms. Finster and Phil and Lil are nothing like Cruella De'Ville.

Then recently, I decided to give Nonny back the name Car Isle but retaining the name Livingston, making Car Isle his mother's maiden name and Livingston, of course, his father's last name. I don't know Nonny's parents though or them of the other Bubble Guppies. But until I know Nonny's, and the other Bubble Guppies' real last names, I'm going by my pretend last names for them. If nothing bad happens to me, I'll reveal the other Bubble Guppie's pretend last names. Or you can read it in this fanfic I wrote:…

I plan to have more drawings of Nonny and the rest of the Bubble Guppies, hopefully a better picture than this one.

ADDED August 21, 2016: To see the colored version of this picture,…

Thanks for reading and looking.

Bubble Guppies (c) Jonny Belt and Robert Scull