Akaasit by WillOBrien on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
WillOBrien on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/willobrien/art/Akaasit-889232552WillOBrien
Deviation Actions
Published: Aug 19, 2021
For "Tome of Beasts 2" From Kobold Press.
I had a hard time visualizing this one based on the Director's description " A mantis like construct, composed of millions of tiny metallic triangles that shift between dimensions". I drew some inspiration from an old DragonBallZ movie "Fusion Reborn". Janemba, the main antagonist, de-materializes into tiny cubes in a similar fashion.
Image size
5000x6000px 1.83 MB
Basically a nanobot swarm, also Reedman from Transfromers Revenge of The Fallen is a pretty cool creature in the same vein.